My dog keeps getting fleas

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Post by Guest »

I have given him 2 lots this week and 2 lots a couple of weeks ago but still got them, I have changed all beds weekly and hovered everywhere and I also use the spray, I’m loosing my mind about it now.

Please can someone help.

Post by Karen »

What is your yard (or other places your pup walks) like? Fleas live in certain environments and can be hard to eradicate.

Post by Kira »

Unfortunately there is massive resistance to frontline so it’s no longer working against fleas. I’d recommend switching to another type, like nexguard or bravecto etc. You’ve also been over using the frontline, giving it twice in 2 weeks won’t make it more effective it just risks overdosing your dog.

Also, you should be washing everything soft in your house, not sure if you’re doing that? Wash everything you can on 60 degrees (Celsius).

Post by Leslie »

I love Soresto collars. Also have used Bravecto with great success. There are other quality products out there. Diatomaceous earth is good for treating areas including outside. Do not use the cheap stuff from the stores - especially Hartz products. Your vet is your best source for recommendations.

Post by Lucy »

You need to continuously treat your home as you have been doing by vacuuming every day or 2 the flea cycle is approximately 30 to 45 days from egg to adult.

Post by Lori »

I have never had any fleas. My dogs are treated with Next guard and my cat gets Revolution. It is worth it to buy the good stuff instead of wasting money on stuff that doesn't work.

Post by Anita »

You need to treat the environment. Use a bug bomb and make sure it provides a long-lasting protection from eggs hatching. The eggs are 90% of any flea problem.

Post by Stacy »

Got to get to the source of where they are coming from. And get your dogs on a flea and tick med that’s good, some aren’t good for your dog.

Post by Jennifer »

Honestly if you are using a vet approved product faithfully for 3 months, you shouldnt even need to bomb or fog or any of that. The fleas will be completely through all life cycles and even the environment will be eradicated, been telling this to clients for many yrs. Please also be aware that certain areas have developed resistance to some products and they wont work. I used to use one product back east faithfully and it was great but fleas are resistant to it here in the west. Please feel free to dm me anytime.
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