We are going to convert a shed to a greenhouse next spring

This is a forum for backyard hobby greenhouse enthusiast wanting to share their green house experiences with like minded people.

Post by Guest »

Hello all! This is my first post here. Love the greenhouses! I am in Salt Lake City, zone 7a.

We are going to convert a shed to a greenhouse next spring, but I need a place to start seeds to plant in the garden next spring.

I have zero room in my house to do it, so I thought we could make a very small greenhouse that would fit on our table just outside our back door.

(For size reference the table seats 6 people.) We have some windows we were thinking of using. It would get full sun.

I just don't know how to start this, or if it would even work.

Any suggestions?

Post by Karen »

Go at ground level - essentially build a box on the ground and cover with the windows. That's a cold frame. I am in Chicago (zone 6a) and start about 250 tomato and pepper plants every spring. In March I sow indoors in flats, not individual pots, to save on space. After about 4 weeks I transplant into individual pots and then shift to the cold frame. If we have a cold snap I can throw a plastic sheet over the cold frame for more temperature protection. If it gets warm I can tilt the windows open for a bit of air. It's super simple - I've been doing it almost 20 years. I see down thread you tried a cold frame but if you start indoors in March and then shift to the cold frame in the middle of April you will get better results.

Post by Callie »

Do you have a garage? I have started many plants on a shelf surrounded with foam insulation panels and lights. On really cold nights a heat lamp (like for chicks) does well to keep it warm enough inside.

Post by Marcy »

Most of SLC is more like zone 5. If it’s that cold, you may have trouble keeping plants warm enough in the winter.

Post by Kelly »

Use light rope to heat under the trays. Don't use led, use the other Incandesant kind.

Post by Hayden »

The warmer the better for seedlings. Heat pads do wonders. I grow all my seedlings in a little grow tent.

Post by James »

If you have extra large wire dog kennels you would wrap them in plastic.

Otherwise “Palm Springs 2” is a brand that has something you might want to look into. It’s just shelves surrounded by plastic with a zipper door.

We are up in Wanship 🙂. Not too far from SLC.

Post by Heidi »

Cover your seeds starts with assorted recycled plastic produce, fruit boxes … be sure they have vent holes.
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