My 11 year old dog occasionally has very bad leg pain from arthritis

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Post by Guest »

So, I gave him a Tramadol at 5:30 am for the pain but the pill was a year old so not sure how effective it will be.

Can I also give him a Gabapentin?

He is close to 100 pounds.

Post by Kira »

This is a question for your vet, I’m going to close the comments. Please talk to your dogs vet for this circumstance and future pain relief if it’s needed again.

Post by Anita »

I keep pain meds on hand all the time for my seniors. I think the Tramadol will still be effective even after a year. As for also giving the Gabapentin, did your vet originally prescribe them to be used together?

Post by Ami-May »

My cat has gabinpentin to sedate her enough so I can do nails or going to the vet. I had sign a waiver so she could have it. So I wouldn't be giving your dog anything without a current prescription.

The gabinpentin for her is safer than her being taken to vet to actually be sedated now she is 11 years old. The only time she will sedated or put to sleep is when she's having dental cleaning or emergency.

Post by Becky »

You should not be administering meds to anything or anyone that isn't from a current prescription for that animal or human.
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