Very new to being in charge of bills and wanted to change my energy provider any advice

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Post by Guest »

.. as I normally depend on comparison sites but they won’t let me use them!


Post by Catherine »

Octopus are brilliant.

Post by Jacob »

There's no bargains or deals to be had, so likely no commission for the sites to get from giving comparisons so they've stopped.

with the caps there's only very tiny differences in prices, as in 0.001p a unit etc.

Post by Sophy »

Most comprassion sites won’t have any deals due to gas and electric being high, they are advising you to stay where you are.

No good deals on fixed prices either, I had to move to a flexible tariff in the summer.
Jo Anne

Post by Jo Anne »

I've heard octopus are very good. I'm with EON, absolute nightmare. Avoid utility warehouse as they will shaft you rotten. If you get any inboxes off reps then ignore.

Post by Julie »

I was with Avro and they went bankrupt. I automatically got switched to Octopus and they are brilliant. Best energy supplier I've had in 30 years.

Post by Carole »

I’m with EDF and can’t complain, well apart from the fact they wanted to put my dd up to £285 a month so I switched to payg smart meter back in August & haven’t even used £285 in that 5 months since it was installed.

Post by Kevin »

I looked at the kw/ h and the standing charges for a lot of the major suppliers well about 6 left and found the prices almost identical. It appears a number are now charging two tariffs for electric with a day and night rate. The day rate is extortionate but the night nearly half the day. Only way to save would be to wash at night. Some don’t even say what there tariffs are or will be this month when it goes up again.

Post by Katy »

All companies are currently offering the same tariffs because it’s capped by the government.
The best thing you can do is find a company that has the best customer service.
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