My 9 year old son just won’t eat anything other than a handful of foods

We provide health education and information to mums, dads and everyone involved in caring for children. Our goal is to improve child survival by promoting child health intelligence.

Post by Guest »

I’m at my breaking point. I don’t know what else to do.

My 9 year old son just won’t eat anything other than a handful of foods. I’ve tried everything I can think of. I just spent months taking him to therapy and nothing has gotten better.

I am an emotional wreck. I don’t know where to go from here.

Post by Fumi »

Hi! This must be really hard. Have you tried watching out learning guides yet? It’s a collection of helpful tips by our admins who are all feeding professionals. If you have the time, please check it out. Also, if you need step by step guidance, we have a subscription service, if you are interested.

Hang in there!

Post by Morgan »

You do know where to go, you keep going! Give yourself a break. I’m on this forum and my LO doesn’t eat. Currently he is gtube dependent and I find inspiration in your struggles because I’ll be there someday! Not to make light but what I’ve done is make cooking fun, sometimes it’s the process… and for the love. It is a process. Your strength proceeds you. Rest, Retry.
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