My 18wks baby boy learned an habit of biting my nipple with his gum for 3days now

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Post by Guest »

Good afternoon Docs, my 18wks baby boy learned an habit of biting my nipple with his gum for 3days now, he will cry for food but when i breastfeed him he will suck for few minutes then start biting me. I noticed he always opens mouth when am eating if I take the food close to his mouth he would open his mouth, is it enough reason to try another food because we’re on EBF.
  • BW - 4kg
  • Weight at 14wks - 7.3kg
  • CW - unknown

Post by Modupe »

Your baby opening his mouth when you are eating is not a reason to introduce any other food.

Pls,do not introduce any food now,ensure you breastfeed exclusively till when your baby is six months
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