Google Analytics shows 442 unique page views in 28 days, and the search console shows 45 clicks in 28 days.
Is that effectively 45 people viewing 442 pages (just under ten pages each)?
What's the difference I am seeing in Google Analytics vs Search Console?
I’d say yes, on average. It could be 44 people viewing one page and one person viewing the rest etc.
Search console shows the number of clicks you received from search queries, along with specific queries you ranked for, how many impressions etc. Analytics shows you all traffic (including organic search) to your site, such as direct traffic (someone typed your website in the address bar), referrals (links on other sites), social (Facebook etc).
Its people from Africa and India visiting your blog late at night. I get that too and sometimes they use the messenger to ask questions.
I just got my numbers for January and something isn't right. Says average time is 3 seconds, gone up 35 percent. Lol that ain't right.