Looking for ideas on lush tropical looking plants that are able to survive short deep freezes

This is a forum for backyard hobby greenhouse enthusiast wanting to share their green house experiences with like minded people.

Post by Guest »

Just finished this patchwork greenhouse. Looking for ideas on lush tropical looking plants that are able to survive short deep freezes. Want to create a fun place to hang out in with friends, where greenery can survive when not heated.

Today was 23 and sunny, inside was 48 with no supplemental heat.


Post by Lauren »

Hardy bananas can get huge in just 1 season. Cannas are another good one. They'll die back with frost but come back each spring if you use insulated pots.

Post by Robin »

I don't think you'll find any tropical plants that can withstand any freeze period. Tropical and freeze don't go in the same sentence or greenhouse.

Post by Kim »

Very nice work. I have a plan to put up willow trees for summer shade and chop it for fall/winter.

Post by Valerie »

There are actually a couple of types of palms that can withstand a 6b climate. I’ll have to ask my son, he’s a palm tree enthusiast. I’ve got 2 Queen palms in my bedroom right now for the winter.

Post by Cindi »

I highly recommend castor bean plants! They have a very tropical vibe (kindof similar to Canna) and they grow over 6' tall in one season. They are toxic to pets if you have plant-munching pets, but other than that they are easy-peasy to grow, and mine survived several light frosts before a good hard frost finally did them in.

Post by Amilie »

Elephant ears, they will die back in the freeze but flourish in the heat.
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