.. Do you have a favourite breed of tomato that you grow in your greenhouse . and. Is the type you grow the kind that grows up a string or a bush type?
Trying to decide what tomatoes to grow in mine as I usually grow them outside.
2 questions for all you other greenhouse gardners out there
Toronjino (indeterminate) -orange coloured cherry tomatoe. Grow up a string. Haven’t found a red cherry tomatoe that is as tasty.
I tried Black Krim, acidic but no sugar. Mortgage Lifter was acidic with a little sugar but only two tomatoes. Large red cherry produced a lot of tomatoes. Best eaten just before they turn red. Big tomatoes didn't empress me like small ones did. I just planted Black Cherry, Green Cherry and Sweetie Cherry to try.
Sungold or Sunsugar for cherry tomatoes. Black plum were fantastic. Orange banana has been really good too (it is also a name of a pepper) I've tried all different varieties and use strings on them all (have lots of baling twine hanging around) I need to remember to trim them more, or they start to take over the place
The suggestions you have gotten are good ones. You should educate yourself on discriminate, indiscriminate, and the hybrid type (which acts like an indiscriminate type but looks like a discriminate type.) I just recently learned about these and I think that knowledge will help you choose the correct type for the area you want to grow your tomato plant.
My seeds are started in the greenhouse, but, I also use 5 gallon buckets, it allows me to over winter tomatoes and peppers, my roses, among others.