I've talked to them about this and they say it is just the way the system works.
If anybody knows how to stop that, it would be great. My question is, even though Google says it doesn't care about proper redirects, is it going to care about 500 that exist within the same site?
I'm working on a Squarespace site that is creating a URL for each image and then redirecting it to another page
Are you referring to the urls? Squarespace has a seperate content delivery network for images, which enables you to export / import products / content / images between squarespace sites. If you close a site down the imagery is still accessible via that content hosting network. It’s not a page on the website it is a location of hosted media within their cdn domain. Probably implemented to combat load time complaints & speed which is natively slow on Squarespace. However, all of this has no SEO or Google impact. You can still get images indexed, rank the heck out of Squarespace websites, and make lots of money, etc. Always a lot of SS haters because it is a sandbox, but the truth is any platform cank rank these days. It’s not the horse, it is the jockey.
If I have misunderstood please send what you mean in a shared screen shot to clarify? Hope this helps.
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If I have misunderstood please send what you mean in a shared screen shot to clarify? Hope this helps.
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