My baby [2 weeks] her head always feels hot and her temperature reads 37.5 to 37.8 c

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Post by Guest »

Good evening doctors God bless you all for your work.

Please my baby of 2 weeks, her head always feels hot and her temperature reads 37.5 to 37.8 c with constant sneezing since yesterday I have given her paracetamol and don't know what else to do because we  just got discharged from the hospital last  week

because she was admitted from birth over cephalic hematoma and jundice and  we have gone for her follow up visit they said she is OK. But I am worried about the constant sneezing and the high temperature. I don't know what to do?

Bw: 2:1kg
Weight as at Last weak : 2:5kg

Post by Bukola »

A 2 week old having fever should be taken to the hospital urgently. It's an emergency that needs to be evaluated urgently. If the temperature is exceeding 37.5 persistently see a doctor.

Sneezing is the body trying to get rid of something irritating the nostrils. It is a protective reflex especially when the baby is exposed to those irritating substances or germs. There is no need to stop a baby from sneezing, it is protective. However, you need to monitor the baby to watch out for respiratory infections which can happen when these protective influences are overwhelmed'.
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