Vet said it is not fleas but he scratches so much he bleeds. I have hypo allergenic shampoo, cucumber, oatmeal? Nothing helps him. Some one said use a little apple cider vinegar in the water? Any ideas. Cytopoint point shot did not help.
What can I bath my morkie mix dog in to stop itching?
Try changing food...I changed to natural balance duck and potato...also they had grass allergies, changed the grass in the backyard to stone, also hose them off when we get home from walks...but I do live in Florida, so it’s always warm...they are doing great with these changes...
I had no luck with cytopoint but apoquel helps my girl . I buy shampoo and conditioner spray from my vet . I'm currently using Dermachlor spray conditioner to help with dry flaky skin and dermallay shampoo . DuoxoS3 and Vetoquinol medicated shampoos are good too.
He might need something medical grade. I’d not use the Apple cider vinegar and go see a vet again.
Allergies can be very complicated and sometimes need multiple visits to find a good remedy.
Allergies can be very complicated and sometimes need multiple visits to find a good remedy.
Could be his diet. Many dogs have allergy problems from their food and it causes intense itching. A lot of times it chicken .If he does eat chicken foods. Slowly change over to another protein lamb is good. Mix the old and new slowly so it doesn’t cause upset stomach. Also dogs can take daily Benadryl for this allergy itch. You can find the correct dose by weight online. Or ask your vet.
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