Favorite non-lethal (non cat related) way to deter mice and rodents from the greenhouse?
my green house was professionally assembled on a hardware cloth base with gravel substrate. (They even dig down several inches to set the base just below ground level) Unfortunately the lil buggers were still able to find spaces small enough to chew thru it and get up and under . I have now located and filled the spaces and I’m taking steps recommended her to help deter them from the base of my greenhouse and make it less hospitable. Sadly, we did not place wire and probably should have but, you live and learn right?
My solution has been to welcome rat snakes & other non-venomous snakes into my garden and livestock feed shed. I try to catch several snakes each spring; I put a couple into the feed shed and the rest in my hoophouse. Their presence encourages the rodents to go elsewhere - rodents stupid enough to hang around get eaten.
I lost a lot of new seedlings to mice until I put 3' tall hardware cloth around the entire perimeter of my greenhouse. There cannot be any space bigger than 1/4". I had tried peppermint and several other spices and ultrasonic devices. None of it worked on my mice. The hardware cloth worked perfectly. If you have burrowing rodents, you will have to use more wire, etc. below ground level. Good luck!
I saw this interesting guy on TikTok. He took a large glass bowl, put about 1/4 inch of cooking peanut oil in. Next day, he caught nine mice. They are drawn to the peanut butter stuck in because of the oil... He then moved them elsewhere.... It's a humane trap idea.... As for deterent. Moth balls. Maybe make moth ball pouches and place them through out?
Keep it clean of paper products (nesting supplies), try and not clutter ( minimize hiding places).
Nothing non lethal is going to be effective. You can’t trap and relocate vermin, so all you can do is kill them or welcome them, and if you welcome them remember all they wanna do is piss and shit in your food supplies and chew into your water lines. No mercy.
Get some old 3- 4 inch plastic pipe cut them in 4 foot sections put some bar bait “just one bite” in towards the middle of pipe place them around where floor and wall meet inside or outside knocks em out ( keeps any other animal from getting to it).
I bought these off Amazon. They come four to a package, and include a cleaning utensil. You put peanut butter in the trap, set it, and when the mouse enters, it triggers the entry way, trapping the mouse without harming it. I caught dozens from the woodpile on my porch. The instructions say to release the mouse 3 miles away, so, I’d release them when I took my dog for a walk each morning.
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