Good morning doctors. Thank you so much for your help. My baby was born preterm 35weekd5days bw 1.9kg she’s exactly 7months now.
She was fed exclusively for 6months and bw at 6months 6.7kg. Current weight unknown.
My concern is when I first introduced cereal (frisogold) there was no issue feeding. But recently (1week) she hardly wants to feed.
I use spoon and cup. She still sucks at intervals during the day and then all through the night when she’s hungry.
I also mash egg yolk and banana sometimes.
She has been chewing her teether more frequently and I notice sometimes her poop is green (like once in 3days in the past two weeks).
Is the green poop due to improper feeding and what else can I try please… I am sorry for the long post.. Thank you
Is the green poop due to improper feeding?
It can also be due to food pigments with greenish color staining the stools like vegetables eaten by mum.
But if it is due to food pigments or colour discoloration of the stools, there is no need to do anything. It causes no harm.
Greenish poo can be a pointer to starvation so make sure she eats often also It can also be an indication of lactose intolerance or milk allergy.
Sometimes it maybe nothing especially if the child passes it occasionally in bulk but not losing weight.
But if it is due to food pigments or colour discoloration of the stools, there is no need to do anything. It causes no harm.
Greenish poo can be a pointer to starvation so make sure she eats often also It can also be an indication of lactose intolerance or milk allergy.
Sometimes it maybe nothing especially if the child passes it occasionally in bulk but not losing weight.