Hello friends! I need some pointers. I have trained all my dogs and have had no issues. But our newer pit bull American bulldog puppy is not understanding potty training. I’ve had her for almost 2 months. We go potty very frequently (I wfh). Yet she continues to urinate and poop inside no matter how many times she goes out. She is kennel trained and when no one is home. She is put in her kennel. She has never had an accident in her kennel. We have tried showing her to go to the door when she needs to potty...she seems to get it when we are near. But doesn’t seem to understand to let us know if she has to go.
We are getting so over cleaning up messes…help!
I’ve never had this issue with my other dogs (aussies)
Our newer pit bull American bulldog puppy is not understanding potty training
I used a hanging bell on door. When we would go out the door to potty, I would ring it and have him touch it with his nose. He was trained in a few weeks, now just goes to door and taps bell! I didn't do this with my other dog prior. It is absolutely the best! Hope this helps you.
Have you had her looked at for possible UTI. Might be the reason for frequent urination. Just a thought
Use a house line on her when she is inside and keep her with you. This way you can interrupt if she starts going in the house and usher her outside immediately.
Can you train her to ring a bell to be let out? Hang one on a string off of the doorknob and make it part of the being let out ritual.
Then she won't have to find you, just go to the door and ring the bell for butler service.
Then she won't have to find you, just go to the door and ring the bell for butler service.
My dog had the same issue. Great in the kennel but not elsewhere. So I took some time to keep him in there and only take him out to potty and right back inside. I didn’t leave him in there ALL the time, btw. Whenever I took him out I’d make sure he’d be 100% supervised the entire time. It didn’t take long for him to get the hang of it! He also loves his crate so it worked for us.
I remember potty training with our pitty and it was a hassle. He'd go outside the kennel and pee, inside the kennel and pee. What helped us is every time he started sniffing or turning around he goes outside immediately. It was like every 5 minutes for about 10 minutes and it got annoying not gonna lie. As soon as we brought him back in, he'd start looking for another pee spot. Eventually after 4 months of constant outside/inside, he was trained.
When my dog went into heat I noticed when she wore the diapers she wouldn’t pee. Maybe purchasing the washable diapers might help her get used to holding it. My dog is about 7 months now and no accidents in the house anymore. Worth a try, they’re like $30 for a pack of 4.
Studies say puppies can only hold their potty for however old they are, so yours is 2 months then she needs to go out ever 1.5-2hrs, maybe even sooner. Treats, treats, treats! When you take them outside and they do their business give them high praise in a higher pitched voice kinda like baby talk and reward them with a treat telling them “yes! Good potty” or “yes! Good job” if they potty inside once you catch it still send them outside and tell them “don’t! potty outside” and don’t reward them for accidents.
My jackador did not want to grasp potty training, we don’t have a doggy door, we tried bells but she thought those to be toys, as she got older around 4-6months is when she started to grasp the concept of nudging the child gate, sitting in front of us barking, or nudging the back door handle. She’s 10months now, and has been fully potty trained since 8months. Just keep consistency, and reward, reward, reward. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel!
My jackador did not want to grasp potty training, we don’t have a doggy door, we tried bells but she thought those to be toys, as she got older around 4-6months is when she started to grasp the concept of nudging the child gate, sitting in front of us barking, or nudging the back door handle. She’s 10months now, and has been fully potty trained since 8months. Just keep consistency, and reward, reward, reward. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel!
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