Has anyone used Autocrit?

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Post by Guest »

I tend to write primarily in Scriviner which I love.

Apparently Autocrit has a community and additional editing features.

They have a lifetime sale now for $299.

Is it worth it? I’d love to get real feedback from other writers. What’s great about it or what do you dislike?

(Edited to add I work a lot from my iPad w/ keyboard so I’d need it to work well on that.)

Post by Billie »

I like AutoCrit and use it. The one thing I like the least is you paste content into AutoCrit so I don't think a keyboard is an issue. I like AutoCrit for comprehensive "better writing" as opposed to "editing" for correctness, although AutoCrit does both. When you're in AutoCrit you can choose what you specifically want to have reviewed.

I use ProWritingAid linked into Office 365 on as I write for correctness, awkward phrases, and word suggestions. Then when I want to "improve" writing in a novel I use AutoCrit. It's like having an editor who gives you insight into habits you are blind to. Over time I think AutoCrit has made me a better writer.

Suggest you try the free trial and see what you think.

Post by Marlin »

I have used AutoCrit a couple of times as a part of one of their workshops. I really enjoyed all of the reports. I would suggest that you watch some of their videos to learn how the system works. It is a bit different from Grammarly and ProWritigAid, but has some great tools for editing larger pieces for problems.

I also am considering buying the license to add to my other tools.
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