For Earth Day: Can we share how we are all making a difference?

The best bit is that the lowdown comes from YOU. Round here, you are the influencer. You shape the board and make it great. We want you to get involved by writing posts and comments to inspire us, teach us, challenge us or simply make us laugh. The power is in your hands, literally.

Post by Rhian »

I have a wormery, bokashi bins and compost bins. Everything that can be is given to the worms.. the rest is into the compost bins (to eventually be given to worms anyway - one way or another!)

I am now composting all our pet waste now too (separately).

Post by Dionne »

I’ve just recently brought some re usable cotton pads, baby wipes, and sanitary underwear. Am working my way towards using more eco cleaning products as each runs out.

I recently watched a documentary where barely any of our recycling even gets recycled. And basically ends up being pumped into the atmosphere via incinerators.

Post by Emma »

Today we did a litter pick on the way home from school - a whole carrier bag full of bottles, drinks cans and single use plastics.

I get shampoo, conditioner and washing up liquid in refills, grow my own veg, keep chickens, buy second hand clothes, furniture etc and resell. Milk and apple juice from the milkman in glass bottles, bamboo toothbrushes. I’m always trying to reuse everything, I’m quite obsessed with it!

Post by Hannah »

Does anyone know a Facebook group for small changes you can make? This thread is great but I can't take it all in at once and I think of I was in a supportive group like this one I could just pick up ideas over time.

Post by Debbie »

Energy that is green as such, travel cup, recycle, books, clothes, shoes and anything we don't need or want we give to charity, re usable and washable make up wipes, soap bars made for hair and body, washable sanitary towels, re use carrier bags, peelings off veg are baked in the oven to make crisps, use old towels cut up as cloths, recycle anything we can and if we go into a shop we check if things have been recycled like notebooks. We go food shopping once a week and also do other errands while we are out the same day. We order our dogs food in bulk to save miles.

Post by Heather »

My daughter and I use reusable period products, we have reusable cleaning cloths and eco friendly aluminium free deodorant, all family have changed from cow's milk to plant milk and we wear clothing until it is worn out. We use bamboo toothbrushes and buy some of our groceries from a local zero waste shop. We avoid products containing palm oil. We have avoided travelling abroad but still use the car too much. We have a wildlife friendly garden with a pond and we leave much of the lawn to grow long and plant flowers for pollinators.

Post by Amy »

Eco eggs/ iron and velvet cleaning sachets / metal razer with blades ( saves so much with other half shaving every other day) use old towel to make kitchen clothes/ soap instead of shower gel/

Post by Kirstiee »

Recycling rubbish correctly.
Bamboo toothbrushes for me and the kids.
I have the smol cleaning products, so reusable spray bottle, tablet dissolves in the bottle in water, the wrapper the tablet comes in is compostable.
Reusable cleaning cloths/face cloths.
Shampoo bars and conditioner bars, and hand soap. Unfortunately I never got round to using reusable nappies for my daughter, and I don't suffer periods but I'd use reusable pads as well. I'm also trying to go completely vegan to help.

Post by Cherry »

The company I run uses as much recyclable materials as we can in all our products and anything that isn't recyclable is reusable.

In my personal life i limit my spending on clothes (thrifting isnt very plus size friendly) and use shampoo bars. We also limit the amount of meat we eat amd have vegetarian days

Post by Kimberly »

Martin Lewis has a link on his page for free water saving gadgets. As a childminder I use flannels instead of wet wipes, we recycle the water we use in our play to water the plants where possible, I am trying to switch to as many natural resources.

I personally switched to washable period pants and a cup and make a conscious effort to walk instead of driving as much as I can.

Post by Amy »

We use a refill shop for our washing liquid and I use shampoo and conditioner soap bars we have reusable baby wipes and cloth nappies and cloth sanitary pads. Pic is from when we first moved into our home so excuse boxes in the back


Post by Rosie »

Maybe look at shops that are trying to make a difference too.

As a business we now plant a tree with every order on our website. We've already had 53 mangrove trees planted in Madagascar!

These mangrove trees help capture up to 4 times the amount of carbon per acre than tropical rainforests and they provide a habitat for tropical fish which use the mangrove root system for nurseries and shelter.
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