To Europe: Any tips on what I may need legally and logistically is much appreciated

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Post by Guest »

I’m looking for any helpful tips and advice. In late summer I plan to sell most of my things and buy a one way ticket to Europe. I’ll be backpacking for most of the trip but occasionally I’d like to stay at a home for an undetermined amount of time.

Any tips on what I may need legally and logistically is much appreciated. I don’t have a route planned but my schedule is wide open, I just know I’d like to start north and head south as the seasons cool down.

If anyone has any advice or suggestions on how to make this possible, how to save money, how to find places to stay, and possibly even a good route.

I’m hoping to experience the more rural, nature side of Europe. I’m not very interested in the main big cities or tourist spots.

Post by Christian »

Hello. Just an advice.

So depending on how much time you want to spend and I don't know your nationality but to enter the Schengen Area/EU zone you need to have a round-trip ticket or a ticket taking you out of the eurozone, you might be denied entry as immigration officers might think you want to stay longer than your visa allowance. Also if your way out of EU is let's say 3 months after your arrival you might be asked to present enough funds to support yourself during that period of time such as bank statements or cash.

Post by Eva »

I’m a nomad and I need to let go of more stuff I have. I’ve met go of some and need more to go. Less is best.

Post by Graham »

Wwoofing is awesome and so is workaway if you find a good host. You can look into it online. Stay in hostels over hotels, that's how you meet the coolest people.. Camping is fun too. I hitchhiked with a friend from Paris to Barcelona. If you get a chance to hitch hike, do it. Its way more acceptable and safer over there. I met a lot of really cool people that way but take a friend with you for safety. People love seeing Americans hitch hiking cuz its not very common for us to do it.

I lived in scotland for a year and a half aswell and traveled the UK. Youll find English's people hate us but the scottish, irish and welsh love us. London is an awesome city tho. Also remember when traveling you're representing America and we have a bad reputation. Prove everyone wrong. Remember manners and look up local customs before you go to another country so you don't offend people.

Don't announce your nationality. Let them figure it out and be pleasantly surprised. I cant tell you how many times I've seen Americans throwing fits over service or other things because its not the united states and cultures are different.

Don't expect perfect service everywhere you go. They don't tip often or at all over there. Be nicer than they are to you.

I'm sorry to say those things but youll see what i mean and you hear peoples stories if youre there long enough. I have many very close friends to this day over there and you will too if you keep an open mind and always assimilate to their culture.

Don't bring yours with you unless asked. Its amazing. One of the best experiences of my life. Good luck and have a blast. Make sure you journal and take pictures but don't be a tourist about it. Lol

Post by Rick »

You won't have to pack EVERYTHING because most can be bought in Europe.
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