Has anybody made writing into a side business/decent income, likely through something like ghost writing?

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Post by Guest »

.. With cost of living going up and me unable to return to work due to my income from work not being enough to cover childcare (so a waste of time) I'm looking for some ways to earn a bit of money from home, and if I'm able to do it via writing, even better.

I know it likely won't be a large stream of income, but every little bit helps at the moment.

Any advice (even if it's telling me not to waste my time) is appreciated!

Post by Cyn »

I have been a full-time fiction ghostwriter for over 5 years and make 5x as much as I did during my best year as a marketing director. The income I make from my traditional publishing is just my fun-money.

Post by Shannon »

I was a journalist for years. You can technically make money but it’s not nearly as much as people think it is. By the time you factor in the expense of the education needed and the time it takes to produce decent work, your per hour rate is very small indeed.

Post by Kylie »

I’ve made 6 figures for years from my writing. This includes blogging, magazines, other websites, content for new websites, social media content, books for myself and others etc.

Happy to discuss any of it!

Post by Laura »

There are lots of options for you - I’m not sure about ghostwriting. But I have a couple of friends who write for Medium. I have other friends who have monetized their blogs on WordPress. I would also look into sites like Fiverr, Upwork, Task Rabbit, and contract sites like that. It may be small amounts at first, but it adds up.

Post by A'dam »

I always stare longingly at those "get paid to write" ads and wonder if they are real. I sit alone all night at a hotel and have all of the time in the world. I wrote four books and threw them on Amazon... never made a dime. I can write but I am not a marketing guy.
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