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Post by Guest »

I am having some horrible stomach issues.  Sorry if TMI (explosive really bad diarrhea and burps that smell like poop)

I have had this issues 5 years ago and had many tests trying to get issues. Only by a breath test I was diagnosed with h-pylori. Took medicine for 3 weeks and got better. 

Fast forward 2 years.  All symptoms were back but did not stay around long so I put up with it.

2 years pass and here we are again.

Symptoms are horrible and impacting my daily life.

I have had 2 stool tests for h-pylori and pancreatic enzymes.  Both negative. 

This leaves me stuck and searching for answers. Has anyone had any of the symptoms? Have any guesses of what this is or what I should do as for testing?

Past tests:
* Stomach emptying
* Gastroperisis
* Chrones
* Colonoscopy
* Endoscopy

Thank you in advance for any advice!

Post by Lindsey »

You could have a combo of an upper and lower GI issue. I have something called Microscopic Lymphocytic Colitis that sounds similar to your bad bathroom experiences (diagnosed via Colonoscopy with biopsy).

I also have gastroparesis, if the food moves too slow it can cause really bad breath. You can have both a colonoscopy and endoscopy done at the same time, and then they can order a stomach emptying test.

I hope you’re able to figure out what’s going on soon!
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