.. Today I’ve made the incredibly hard decision to rehome one of my cats. He will be going in 2 weeks. Upset doesn’t cover it. And my blood sugar is just going up and up.
The urge to stack corrections is strong, but don’t think a massive hypo in the end would help either!
Feeling utterly rubbish emotionally and physically.
If diabetes could just maybe give me the day off (or the next two weeks!) that would be great
No judgement, but why do you feel you need to rehome your cat? I have 4 cats and had type 1 diabetes for 26 years. Look up diabetes burnout. I know it's hard as diabetes is always there. Xx
Sending lots of love, you have to do what’s best for you, and if this gives you the chance to come out of crisis and have your therapy continue then it’s worth it, and also from both your cats point of view it sounds like it may be best for both of them (that is not aimed at you negatively whatsoever) always here if you need to chat xxx
I totally get the urge to stack insulin corrections, or just up entirely and eat the contents of the kitchen, when my blood sugar is staying stubbornly high. It sounds like you're having a really difficult time of it at the moment; even though you don't feel motivated to, looking after yourself will definitely make it easier.
Try to go easy on yourself and take little steps towards taking care of yourself as it will reduce the burden you've got. No need for perfect blood sugars, just 'good enough'. And don't punish yourself for not being perfect by overdoing the insulin. Lots of love, hope things get easier xxx
Try to go easy on yourself and take little steps towards taking care of yourself as it will reduce the burden you've got. No need for perfect blood sugars, just 'good enough'. And don't punish yourself for not being perfect by overdoing the insulin. Lots of love, hope things get easier xxx
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