What’s your favorite thing to do in your writing?

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Post by Guest »

Alright, around many writing groups I see a lot of rather negative posts. Such as “what do you hate seeing/doing”

So instead: What’s your favorite thing to do in your writing?

I personally love coming up with legally distinct gun names for my story.

For example: Instead of Colt Carbines, my characters with Malt Carbines.

Instead of the M63 Stoner, it’s the STNR-63.

Instead of the SPAS-12, it’s the PAZ-12 Gauge.

Post by Josh »

So honestly I know it’s rough but I love writing the moment in like some fantasy or action writing where the villain kind of wins. Like they gain the power they were hunting for or reach their evolution or whatever.

Then the moment they show off that power to the hero is my favorite thing to write. I had a scene that I was writing where a character has insane powers but they basically didn’t have the energy to use it.

Then the hero messes up and literally gives him the power. The guy then literally destroys half the world. There’s a lot more to it then that but gosh it is incredible to write the “all is lost” moment.

Post by Sheldan »

I really like writing spicy scenes lol my characters for my current WIP just have fantastic chemistry and it’s so fun to write that stuff for them.

Post by Jack »

I get obsessed with outlining. Sometimes to the detriment of actually writing. That and dialog. If I get two characters talking I have to remember to get them to shut up.

Post by Rebekah »

I'm having some fun with curse words from around the world. My setting is 500 years in the future and there is a strong mix of people in the cities. It's world building and it's hilarious.

Post by Surita »

I like to research names that the meaning represents both the person's race as well as his personality. I'll spend days to find the right name with the exact meaning in my character's race nd ethnicity and culture to represent the person.

Post by Erin »

Creating a title for a chapter that ends up having a double meaning. I find it really magical. It takes forever to make it happen, but it’s always worth the itty bitty extra (okay, hours upon hours of) effort.

Post by Silver »

I love when a character becomes vivid enough for them to take on a life of their own. They turn out nothing like I wanted, and it's the best.

Post by Josh »

I like finding an excuse to use fun/obscure words, or to be educational in weird ways.

My main series is almost entirely rhyming epic poetry for kids, so getting to throw in a word like “seneschal” or “coracle” and have it still fit both the rhyme scheme and the syntax is always great.

Also, the original story is in Hebraic/Aramaic and they do rhyming and names differently. So, whenever I’m able to keep the original meaning even after transposing it to English, also super fun

Post by Guest »

I love how my characters relationships evolve with cute little scenes. I always hope the reader will feel the same way when reading.

At my current project I tried (for a fun reason that would take longer to explain) to use cocktails names as chapter titles. Fun research.
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