I want to get my septum pierced, did any of you who have had this done, have any issues with it?!

This forum is for Type 1 [or] 2 Diabetics

Post by Guest »

How well and quickly did it heal for you?! What did you use to clean it, and how often?

Trying to weigh the pros and cons and make my decision. I will be going to a licensed piercer and having a needle used for the piercing.


Post by Amanda »

I have mine done. Healed within a week and used the normal stuff to clean it. No issues at all but cleaning it in the shower is a lot easier

Post by Daniellea »

I’ve had mine done twice! Mainly because the first one was put in the wrong place but that was my fault for not going to MY piercer. Both of them healed well and I used bactine to clean it out. It’s definitely easier to clean in the shower because once you get it wet you can move it around a lot easier to clean the boogies off!!

Post by Natalie »

I have 10 piercings, 4 of which are on my face. Septums are easy to heal, but also easy for a piercer to mess up. Go to someone with a good portfolio, who carries IMPLANT grade titanium and you'll be fine! 😊 Don't put anything! except sterile saline or water on your piercing. It's a healing wound, so you don't need oil or anything crazy on it. I really like piercing if you can't tell lmao.

Post by Claire »

I have my septum as well as 3 nostril piercings (and like 20 others) done and they all healed in the expected amount of time. Septum was an easier heal; it honestly only hurt briefly after having it done.

Obviously continue cleanings for the length of time you're supposed to, but compared to ear cartilage piercings, it stops hurting SO much faster. If you get it done, just don't mess with it, keep it clean, and don't change the jewelry sooner than your piercer tells you to. Changing the jewelry can be hard sometimes, so at least the first change may be easier to go back to your piercer.

If anything looks or feels weird, most piercers are happy to check it out for you as well.

Post by Haylee »

I’ve got my septum, both sides of my nose, I’ve had quite a few in my ears over the years and the top and bottom of my belly button and my septum was the easiest and quickest to heal out of all my piercings except for ear lobes I just used wound wash/saline and now that it’s healed I just use a gentle face wash because it’ll stink if you don’t keep it clean

Post by Austin »

Not super related but I got my first tattoo a few months ago and it healed just fine. Had no problems of the process of getting it or the healing process. I’ve also had a few piercings done when I was a bit younger and still a diabetic and had no problems.

Post by Anna »

It all depends on how long you’ve had diabetes and how well you heal. I’ve had many piercings in my younger days (I’ve had diabetes for 35 years) and am just now getting to where I don’t heal as well. No more piercings for me 🥲 but I hope you are younger and don’t have my issues

Post by Maks »

I have mine done and it healed fine and quickly, I used warm water and salt to clean it. When I was 18 I got my vertical lip pierced and it didn't heal well at all and I had to take it out and when I mentioned it to my nurse she mentioned it could be due to high sugars.

Post by Kayla »

I've had my septum done a few times (T1D since 2005).. the first was terrible because I went to a shop where the piercer had being piercing for years and still didn't know what she was doing. The healing wasn't bad, but she didn't pierce it in the right place so it was painful. The second time was a breeeeze since I went to someone who knew what they were doing. Definitely do your research on shops. I made the mistake of thinking cheaper would be better. Don't be like me. Saline spray given to me by the second shop was a game changer. I absolutely love mine. I've had lots of piercings, and my septum was definitely the easiest as far as healing.

Post by Catherine »

I have had my septum (first professional piercing), nostril twice, ears, belly button, and tongue all done. I put an additional 9 holes in my ears (cartridge included) myself as a teen. I had poor control during all of them and suffered no horrible infections.

Follow your piercer’s advice on cleaning and only put quality jewelry in. Make the appointment. You will be fine.
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