Has anyone dealt with sarcoptic mange before that can give some advice?

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So my neice brought over a puppy late Tuesday night that her friend couldn’t keep, so I said I’d hold onto her, the next morning I noticed hair loss and scabs, finally able to get her into a vet today & it’s sarcoptic mange. The vet wasn’t very helpful with information (this was an affordable clinic an hr & a half from my home, lines were out the door and I spent all day there 7-1) so you can imagine he didn’t have alot of time, plus it was just the one vet working & he was rushing around, he sounded irritated (or stressed) with my questions so I didn’t get much info on what to do with the medications or at home treatment. While at the vets the puppy was given two shots, one he mentioned was irvomectin, the other I don’t know, she also was given a topical of selamectin, & some amoxicillin. They didn’t give me any instructions really, he wrote June 12th on the selamectin, the amoxicillin says 2 every 12 hrs, is that 2 droppers of 1 oz, idk.

Also how throughly do I need to clean my house, she was around my other dogs jumping in their beds & playing with them, are they all going to get it now, what about us, we were kissing & loving on her, how long do I keep her quarantined from other pets, & how do I really do that with them all living in the same house? I’m super stressed right now, I wanted to help my nieces friend out & now I’m in the hole financially, I mean it’s okay I kinda want to keep her now, she’s so cute, but I’m afraid the rest of my pets are going to get it & I’ve got like 4 dogs & 2 cats that will get super expensive & tiresome if I have to treat them all.

First pic is the pic my neice sent me of her (she doesn’t look to have any hair loss whatsoever in that pic) the next morning I noticed the hair loss and scabs. The other pics are what I took yesterday of her just 1 1/2 days after I got her, I went out & bought that shampoo hoping it would help until I got her in the vet. The last pics are some of the meds that the vet gave me.


Post by Dennis »

Vet: Sorry but this doesn’t look like Sarcoptes. Sarcoptic mange is very rare and is highly contagious to people so whoever had the pup should be infected.

This looks like a puppy impetigo, a superficial staph infection of the skin due to the immature immune system of the pup. It should be treated topically with antibiotic shampoo or mousse but not oral antibiotics. Puppies are trying to develop their normal gut microflora and antibiotics will harm that process.
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