Gas Hot water system [50 or 60 degrees?]

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Post by Guest »

First time renovating so I’m new to all this stuff… I am buying this Gas Hot water system and I don’t know if I should get it preset to 50 or 60 degrees… Apparently it’s not reversible once I choose the temp… what do most people do?


Post by Daniel »

Ours have been set for 50 in bathrooms but 60 for kitchens. It’s just the digital module you have in the room you install it in. If I had my time over again though. I wouldn’t go gas and would go electric hot water with a heat pump. Could then use my solar to heat up the water. Overall much better and cheaper to run than gas.

Post by Karen »

If you can get it set to 60 degrees, do it. It's a big difference, 50 degrees doesn't feel hot enough to wash dishes but is good enough for showers.
Most jurisdictions only allow 50 degrees though.

Post by Fraanie »

50 is plenty without scalding anyone.

Post by Rhys »

Just be careful with these instant hot water systems. If your existing piping is not large enough you will not get the right flow rate to activate it. This was the case in a house I bought. It meant we had to have a really hot shower or a cold shower, and no in-between. Ended up replacing it with an 315l electric hot water tank and power it with our solar system using a solar relay, much cheaper option in the long run

Post by Leanne »

I was told we weren’t allowed/it couldn’t go above 50. If you can leave your hands sitting in 50 degrees doing the dishes- you’re tougher than me! I was peeved at the beginning but it’s fine. 50 is hot enough that you can’t soak in it, but not hot enough that anyone is going to burn themselves.

Post by John »

If it’s going through council and has to be inspected, my plumber has told me he has to install the 50deg model.

Post by Nick »

Depends on which state you’re in.

I’m in VIC and had a 50C unit put in — plumber said if I wanted the 60C then each hot water tap in kitchen and bathroom would need a safety temperature regulator to bring it down to 50C.

So, I figured no point with the 60C for only the laundry benefit as our washing machine heats it’s own water.

Post by Alan »

I definitely said it to 60 degrees. Water to the bathroom will need to be tempered to a lower temperature. Laundries and kitchen can have the hotter water.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:32 am.
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