Tips please on how to manage full-time work and trying to write a novel! How do you find the time and energy?
My problem is I find it takes a few hours to get into that sweet spot of creative flow. Plus I write best at night, but then my mind is overstimulated and I can't sleep, making me tired for work the next day. Also, I am not a morning person, I never have been.
Any tips appreciated!
Thank you
Any tips appreciated!
Thank you
I work full time and have two kids under 6 at home so I get life is crazy. I just try and write a few lines a day to a chapter if I have time. Will this take me forever to write? Yes. But I want to make sure it’s quality. And some days I don’t get to it. But when I have the urge I try and make time to get what I need to down. You got this!
You just have to make the time even if it’s not a lot of time during the day.
You just have to make the time even if it’s not a lot of time during the day.
Find 15, uninterrupted minutes a day, every day. At the end of a week, you’ll have made real progress.
Many of us deal with this, so I get it. Even if you can plan for 2 blocks of time per week, or even one, try. The best writing comes slowly anyway. Reward yourself with a warm beverage or a snack to get started, and set up your piece the night before so you can open and look at it right away without distractions.
It may help some writers to have a set routine of steps prior to writing. This can help to condition our mind that it is time to produce words on a page - a sort of Pavlov effect. It may be a particular spot, music, drink, writing instrument or laptop etc. it can be any combination of things that help us to focus our mindset. It is best to keep it simple. If it’s to complicated this routine may hinder rather than help.
If it’s simple enough to be portable you can eventually write anywhere.
Each of us must find what works best. Hope this idea is helpful.
If it’s simple enough to be portable you can eventually write anywhere.
Each of us must find what works best. Hope this idea is helpful.
Either create or change the "ritual(s)" you have to get into "writing mode" because its a myth that you have to "wait" for yourself to get into the zone, if you will.
Rituals are like shortcut keys to put your brain into a mood, state, flow.
Much like a bedtime ritual.
You are always creative as a human being. That skill doesn't disappear because the clock says it's not time yet. You just need to figure out how to move from work to writing mode.
If there are things you do when you are about to start writing do that but sooner in the evening.
Also, all dreams require some kind of sacrifice, big or tiny, to make them come true.
I would advise to research how to create new habit and how to change old ones. Creating a new habit of starting to write sooner is the key here for you.
Lastly, maybe you should look at writing differently and USE that skill to unwind from a day of work. After all, you get to escape into a whole new world of your own choosing! Many people are secretly jealous of that!
I added a link to a podcast about habits in a reply to this comment.
Good luck!
Rituals are like shortcut keys to put your brain into a mood, state, flow.
Much like a bedtime ritual.
You are always creative as a human being. That skill doesn't disappear because the clock says it's not time yet. You just need to figure out how to move from work to writing mode.
If there are things you do when you are about to start writing do that but sooner in the evening.
Also, all dreams require some kind of sacrifice, big or tiny, to make them come true.
I would advise to research how to create new habit and how to change old ones. Creating a new habit of starting to write sooner is the key here for you.
Lastly, maybe you should look at writing differently and USE that skill to unwind from a day of work. After all, you get to escape into a whole new world of your own choosing! Many people are secretly jealous of that!
I added a link to a podcast about habits in a reply to this comment.
Good luck!
You'll want to experiment with different methods. It shouldn't take hours to get into a writing flow. I noticed as soon as I started writing every day that I gained the power to get into the writing flow no matter if I could barely keep my eyes open, had a throbbing headache, had been working all day, etc. I've heard the same from many others in many professions. We tend to hold ourselves back.
I could have written this tbh it's such a struggle to find a balance between full time work and writing. I work as a teacher which is super draining mentally and I find myself staying up later to try and steal time back from the day, too. I don't have advice or wisdom, really, but I do try to write once a day. Sometimes, it's 5000 words. Other times, is 500. One day at a time I guess x
This was me. I found that I couldn’t wait for the flow. I had to just get a scene down even if it wasn’t pretty. And then I’d go back later and add in the flair that was my signature voice. Also, I downloaded the otter app and on the way into or home from work, I’d dictate the same. Not great words, but words. As we all know, we can’t edit a blank page good luck!
I write 10-15 minutes at a time. I write in the mornings when I work from home, and then I write after dinner when I go to the office. Sometimes, I only write 15 minutes in a night. It adds up. I wrote 22,000 words during the month of April.
You'll surely feel stressed out especially with deadlines, it's best to make a time table, do pressure yourself too much, I was once in this position. You can always make an hour or two for break and use it to write, then on weekends also. You can always draft any idea you get during the week.
I hope this helps
I hope this helps
If you want to figure out a way to write at night - as opposed to getting up before work to write - it sounds like you need to figure out a way to get into that sweet spot a lot faster. Sometimes it can help to create a ritual to help get into the right mindset. Like, if you have a specific spot that you like to write in, or maybe you like to write with scented candles.
If you can get your brain to associate the smell of the candles with writing, lighting them can help get into the mindset. Not that you need to use candles, just whatever thing works for you. You could also try writing sprints with a timer - for some people being on a countdown can force them into that headspace.
If you can get your brain to associate the smell of the candles with writing, lighting them can help get into the mindset. Not that you need to use candles, just whatever thing works for you. You could also try writing sprints with a timer - for some people being on a countdown can force them into that headspace.
The conundrum of a full time working aspiring writer. I do brain storming- new ideas, character development, plot work, etc during lulls at work if I can. And maybe a bit in the evenings. I find myself pretty drained at the end of a work day so w)o the ability to actually write. So most significant writing is done on the weekends. But since I no longer write without an outline when I do sit down to actually write I have a full story. And altho I am a night person or use to be I find I like to write during the day. Something Abt the natural sunlight helps me. But I also have ADHD and just a person who likes to be out and Abt. But since I realized that if I exhaust myself during the day it means I do not have the brain power to write at night, it is a choice I have to make. Altho I. Warmer months I wrote in the park. I have written at nights b/c I can be quite obsessive, so thinking okay I will take a 2 hour break during the day and write and then get back to all my other responsibilities but then become obsessive determined to figure a story element out and lose the day and evening Then everything else gets pushed to the side causing mayhem for the week. I have considerable food issues so not cooking becomes a huge issues which is why I started cooking, which is something I did not do my adult lide. All giving me even less time. Oh and 2 lawsuits which I am pro se. In any case trying to get a handle on chores too if u can. Simplifying, out sourcing- cleaners if u can afford it, meal prep 1 day a week, etc. Take a log of what u spend ur time on and see what u can outsource or what u can make more efficient to give u more time. A book creative chaos gave me some inspiration re: managing it all. But honestly I just find it all impossible. I am waiting for some things to clear off my plate. My job allows unpaid furloughs. When my legal battles clear I am going to request one so I can try to just type away in peace since I outline. Just know the struggle is real and kicking a$$. Hugs.
I so wanted to post the similar thing.. I am going through alot during this time when all i wanted to do is to write poetry .. But i guess we all have an answer to this, so i am able to write it to you.. Work during the day keeping in mind that as soon as I m done with my daily task that is going to help me pay my bills.. M going to rush home and quickly sit for an hour to write, also u can try writing while you are commuting to work and to home. Again, writing on weekends is the best ever idea.. Just isolate urself or move to a nearby park, think of the rewards ur writeup will give u and just start writing..
I'm a night person and work a day job so I relate. But I've gotten good at dictating every time I get in the car (alone) and can knock out two chapters if I'm commuting into the office. At night, I can edit the messy dictation and knock out another chapter. You'll figure out what works for you...but if you aren't dictating yet, give it a shot.
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