I recently have gotten a new addition to my fur family & I'm looking for any advice for new rabbit owners
.. As well as any info on the breed I may have (even though I love him no matter the breed ) also if I’m correct on his gender.
Any advice is welcomed.
Thank you in advance
Any advice is welcomed.
Thank you in advance
Everyone here is so good at teaching things there's so many things I'm sure other people will cover like research on GI Stasis, vaccines for myxomatosis RHDV and RHDV2. All these viruses and the GI Stasis can kill a bun within 24 hours and the RHDV's are so contagious if an infected rabbit walks through a hay field and you later but a batch of said hay it will get infected. My friend lost 3 of her 4 buns this way. It got late so only changed 3 out of her 4 buns rooms guess which one survived . 3 gone by the next morning. She got a necropsy done and the hay tested and it came up positive for RHDV2. Horrible man made viruses designed to cull rabbits with no cure and myxomatosis will take longer to kill a bun but it is a cruel death where the slowly loose all 5 senses. It's designed to be slow so wild rabbits take it back to the warren to infect as many as possible. People are so cruel. Another big one to watch for is fly strike. Good to have a first aid kit on hand with nail trimmers, fly strike prevention spray and critical care and soft flooring to prevent sore hocks, Bunnies only have skin on feet then it's straight to the bone so sore hocks can cause many issues including death xxx
Bunny Behavior.
If bun goes up to your hand and then turns it's back on you. You smell bad. Could be your soap, food, unclean smell, mine hate coffee smell. A good rinse with plain water normally suffices.
If they turn there back on you. You have offended thee.
If you have upset your bunny there is a fix though...
Lie on the floor with your head down. If you receive licks or a boop you have been forgiven.
To tell your bunny you love them lie down so your noses are touching and look them in eyes. They will either do this back or lick you to tell you they love you too.
This is how bunnies communicate with eachother too.
There is also honking ( my Lady does this when she's most annoyed but some bunnies do it out of excitement)
Buzzing. I had one boy who would do this when he was super happy and binkying or excited when we came home or gave him treats etc, however my current boy does it to display dominance and when he is horny.
Thumping, you or something has upset bunny. Could be sudden noise, lack of treats, the wrong treats, after you put them down if you picked them up, the dreaded vet. Really the list is endless but basically you need to apologize. My bunny is use to my husband play guitar and sing but he wrote a new song and umm well cookie did not like it one bit. Tough Audience lol.
Teeth chattering contentment but can also mean pain you'll get to know the difference when you get and spend time with your furry little one.
Omg the dreaded death flop. Scary the bunny looks dead but look for its little tummy rising and falling. This is really the best it means they feel safe it has exposed it's tummy which prey animals will not do unless they feel perfectly happy and safe.
If a bunnies area is to small they will fiercely guard it. So if you try to feed them watch your fingers. They may also not wish to leave the area as they are protective of what little they have. Most bunnies thrive free roaming a lot better than in a cage.
Hunched looking uncomfortable. Usually discomfort or pain. Check it's eating or pooping. Rabbits guts must constantly move if they stop they die can be in a matter of hours too and need an immediate vet. Even waiting till the next day can be to late. Look up GI stasis.
If a bunny puts its head down in front of you it is asking to be groomed/ stroked. Bunnies do this to eachother too and it is also an attempt to show who is boss when they do it to eachother. You will groom me. I have spoken and none shall oppose.
Bunnies love music. On top of binkies and Zoomies (bunny 500s) they do this speedy running thing but shorter than Zoomies and change direction very fast. This is them dancing. One of my Bunnies Loves the band Rush for which he's named and my Lady really likes the music from lord of the rings.
Nibbles whilst licking. They are grooming you as they groom eachother and have deep love for you considering you family. (Sometimes it does hurt because they had sharp teeths but try and bare it because it's affectionate)
Boys are great move well behaved but still chew anything in sight. I have only had the one girl but she is a right madam.
Bunnies have personalities as complex as people and are nothing like dogs or cats. Most bunnies hate being picked up or cuddled because they are prey animals others on the other hand love it. It helps if you get them super young and handle them regularly but beware when it goes through puberty this could also change. If they are picked up you must support there back legs with a flat palm. Having a sturdy surface under their feet hugely helps them to feel more comfortable.
Honestly I could write books but I think these are the basics you need to know xxx
If bun goes up to your hand and then turns it's back on you. You smell bad. Could be your soap, food, unclean smell, mine hate coffee smell. A good rinse with plain water normally suffices.
If they turn there back on you. You have offended thee.
If you have upset your bunny there is a fix though...
Lie on the floor with your head down. If you receive licks or a boop you have been forgiven.
To tell your bunny you love them lie down so your noses are touching and look them in eyes. They will either do this back or lick you to tell you they love you too.
This is how bunnies communicate with eachother too.
There is also honking ( my Lady does this when she's most annoyed but some bunnies do it out of excitement)
Buzzing. I had one boy who would do this when he was super happy and binkying or excited when we came home or gave him treats etc, however my current boy does it to display dominance and when he is horny.
Thumping, you or something has upset bunny. Could be sudden noise, lack of treats, the wrong treats, after you put them down if you picked them up, the dreaded vet. Really the list is endless but basically you need to apologize. My bunny is use to my husband play guitar and sing but he wrote a new song and umm well cookie did not like it one bit. Tough Audience lol.
Teeth chattering contentment but can also mean pain you'll get to know the difference when you get and spend time with your furry little one.
Omg the dreaded death flop. Scary the bunny looks dead but look for its little tummy rising and falling. This is really the best it means they feel safe it has exposed it's tummy which prey animals will not do unless they feel perfectly happy and safe.
If a bunnies area is to small they will fiercely guard it. So if you try to feed them watch your fingers. They may also not wish to leave the area as they are protective of what little they have. Most bunnies thrive free roaming a lot better than in a cage.
Hunched looking uncomfortable. Usually discomfort or pain. Check it's eating or pooping. Rabbits guts must constantly move if they stop they die can be in a matter of hours too and need an immediate vet. Even waiting till the next day can be to late. Look up GI stasis.
If a bunny puts its head down in front of you it is asking to be groomed/ stroked. Bunnies do this to eachother too and it is also an attempt to show who is boss when they do it to eachother. You will groom me. I have spoken and none shall oppose.
Bunnies love music. On top of binkies and Zoomies (bunny 500s) they do this speedy running thing but shorter than Zoomies and change direction very fast. This is them dancing. One of my Bunnies Loves the band Rush for which he's named and my Lady really likes the music from lord of the rings.
Nibbles whilst licking. They are grooming you as they groom eachother and have deep love for you considering you family. (Sometimes it does hurt because they had sharp teeths but try and bare it because it's affectionate)
Boys are great move well behaved but still chew anything in sight. I have only had the one girl but she is a right madam.
Bunnies have personalities as complex as people and are nothing like dogs or cats. Most bunnies hate being picked up or cuddled because they are prey animals others on the other hand love it. It helps if you get them super young and handle them regularly but beware when it goes through puberty this could also change. If they are picked up you must support there back legs with a flat palm. Having a sturdy surface under their feet hugely helps them to feel more comfortable.
Honestly I could write books but I think these are the basics you need to know xxx
The wire bottom will most likely give him sore hocks. It is very painful for bunnies and takes a while to heal. Definitely change out the flooring for a softer material.
No wire bottom! your bunny will develop serious issues. Carrots shouldn’t be given often, 1 a week small amount. Tomato’s are not good for them. Look up oxbow website on rabbit stuff they have lots of good info, please do your research.
I have a question. My bunny is free roam during the day and at night goes in a large crate with a solid plastic bottom but one of his litter boxes has a bottom like this one (metal wired) that he uses a couple times a day on his own. Do we think that’s bad for him?
He needs:
- Hay
- Toys
- Stimulation (toys that work his mind)
- A litter box with soft bedding
- Room to RUN.
Get the baby out of that wire bottom cage! It causes these awful sores. Also, a good way to bond with your new little baby is to lay on your back or stomach on the floor, whichever makes you more comfortable. Let the bun bun come to you! They will.
Mine like to sniff my feet. If you are not attracting any bunny attention, try placing something yummy, a carrot or piece of banana, around your belly button area.
Bunnies have a great sense of smell. If you stay as still as possible, bun bun will come.
Mine like to sniff my feet. If you are not attracting any bunny attention, try placing something yummy, a carrot or piece of banana, around your belly button area.
Bunnies have a great sense of smell. If you stay as still as possible, bun bun will come.
Congrats on your new addition. Wire bottom pens are not advised, they can hurt the bunnies. A large xpen (dog pen) is best for rabbits and Guinea pigs, they need room to run around and play. They are less expensive then buying a hutch. But buy one with 36”-48” high sides because those nuggets can jump! Use a heavy water bowl, it’s better and easier for them to drink from. They can be litter pan trained. I’m sure others can add many other helpful tips.
Good luck!
Good luck!
I am absolutely not an expert but this baby kinda looks like a chinchilla mix to me, either way very cute. Those metal grates are not good for bunny tho, they can cause bumble foot or general irritation. If that is your set up I would find something solid to cover the bottom with or get a different pen of some kind.
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