First year Greenhouse.. But it has been worth it!

This is a forum for backyard hobby greenhouse enthusiast wanting to share their green house experiences with like minded people.

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First year Greenhouse. We started researching and building in January this year. We were a newcomer to many things this year. My husband and I built together 20 x 40. Lot of challenges.

#1 To hot inside, it got up to 110 degrees on Easter, put up fans, roll up sides, large fans with louvers at opposite ends. Digital thermometers to watch temperature, humidity, if it to wet, comfortable, or dry. Also hand held soil temperature, ph guide and moisture gauge. Black shade cloth came in kit, but ordered a white one.

#2 I am watering to much, fungus on leaves, tomatoe rott, we now have two dehumidifier in evenings. It still gets upto 90 degrees inside.

#3 We both did many different ways to grow our vegetables, in soil, wicking tubs, grow bags, electriculture: copper antenna hydroculture: water only methods. Some grew to fast, tall and lanky.

#4 we started most of seeds in house while building greenhouse, some didn’t germinate, lost some, started over, several times.

#5 we live on farm, it takes lots of tender loving care, and time, no vacation here this year, check several times a day and even went out in middle of nights to turn on fans, now got them automatically turn on and off at certain temperature. We both do enjoy our time to just hang out in greenhouse, talk to them, coffee time in mornings.

#6 Challenges is Ranchers with helicopters and aerial spray at property line, Wind in our direction. It gotten my blood pressure up worrying about spraying and killing or damages our fruit trees and crop. We have Lived at this location 10 years, we have been over sprayed 5 of the 10 years. Yes, we contact them, they just want buy you out. Happens all the time around here. Four year old Apple and pear trees orchid that we water weekly. So this is biggest reason we built our greenhouse. No damage this year, praise God!

#7 New to chickens this year, trying to keep chickens, cats, and bucket calves out. They like to follow me everywhere. Had to put child gates up, because we also leave doors open to get air circulating.

#8 Wind blows a lot here and was strong, had to patch plastic. We put two layers of plastic with Bloyer motor to help insulate.

We lost our first two little greenhouses to wind. We cemented in over 26 post in the new greenhouse. It Won’t go blow down now. We did try for NRCA program for greenhouse grant, Back in January this year, still not heard back approved. They did come look at location. So still waiting to build the next one. Lots of people have stopped to look and inquire if we will be selling vegetables? Not sure yet, but probably will or donate if I can’t keep caught up. Wanted to just grow and process our own food!

But it has been worth it! Started making my own Tincture out of my spices, natural healing products. We picked first tomatoe, zucchini, peppers, lettuce, onions, let the canning and fermentation begin! Supposed to just be hobby, but has been lots of challenges and work. But in long run It will be well worth our efforts and experience! Sorry so long!


Post by Jasmine »

I understand most of these challenges and the mid-night worries. Thank you for sharing the challenges and rewards! It’s supposed to be fun but that doesn’t come without effort.

Post by Edward »

All the Work pays off with Results! Your beautiful Greenhouse is going to be a Game Changer, for you…
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