Can someone recommend a solar generator for a greenhouse?

This is a forum for backyard hobby greenhouse enthusiast wanting to share their green house experiences with like minded people.

Post by Guest »

I'm trying to start my journey, do you have anything [or advice] for me?

Post by Scott »

The sun is your solar generator you can’t run a GH on batteries the math doesn’t work.
Bo Harrison

Post by Bo Harrison »

I am looking also at a solar battery/inverter system primarily for a large fan for our 10 x 26. We have 4 auto windows and 2 large doors on each end with magnetic screens and 50% shade cloth but the temps still get sweltering hot during these summer days.

We ran a propane line to the Greenhouse for a gas log fireplace for the winter. I thought about hiring an electrical contractor to run underground electricity but then figured if I got a 2,000 watt solar battery system to operate a fan or two that in case of a storm caused power outage at our house we bring the solar power battery system into the house and could run the lights and maybe the.

Post by Jeff »

If you want to run a fan, Solar will work. It won’t work for any heating, if that’s what you are looking for.

Post by Rick »

You’d need a very large system to completely run a greenhouse year round. It can be done but very expensive. You can use Solar to do quite a few things though.

I use mine for running a oscillating fan inside, some lights and whatever else I need that doesn’t take up a massive amount of power to run.

Heater and AC would be too much for my small system. I really enjoy having the extra power out there when needed and doesn’t cost me anything.

It can be a fun project and very rewarding.
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