I want to help the soil in my garden for next year?
Should I plant clover and when is the best time of the year to do so? Please explain how planting a clover crop works, any info is appreciated.
There are legume mixes that will fix nitrogen including cow peas, vetch, and beans and a different mix with winter grasses such as oats, winter wheat, winter rye, etc. that you can till under in the spring. I've bought them from Peaceful Valley and American Meadows.
The bacteria form nodules on the clover roots take nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form the plants can use. It is planted in late summer or early fall. crimson clover, red clover, and arrowleaf clover seems to be the ones that are used.
Also, maple leaves run over with the mower placed on the top until spring and tilled in you can't put to many leaves in. hope this helps good luck keep us posted.
Also, maple leaves run over with the mower placed on the top until spring and tilled in you can't put to many leaves in. hope this helps good luck keep us posted.
Hairy vetch, red clover and rye are the 3 top ones to plant as a cover crop to boost your soil.