How do you deal with loud neighbors below you? What exactly does the council do about these ppl?

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Post by Guest »

Sorry in advance. I have a terrible neighbour living below me they constantly blast loud music. I tried calling the council. They're open certain times of the day. And when I did call they got back to me 2am I was already in bed.

I should mention I have a toddler and a newborn and I'm suffering post partum depression. And the music blasting has made my anxiety so much worse. I cry a lot.

My question is: What exactly does the council do about these ppl. I don't want to ask them to turn it down as they are nasty piece of work and they know I have babies up in my flat.

Sorry for long post..

Post by Brian »

I once was in a situation similar to this and ended up calling the police, who came and "had words" with the source of the problem. As I remember, they did not tell the noisies the identity of the complainant. It's hell I am sure. Hope you get results soon.

Post by Michelle »

They may well work out who is complaining. I had problems out of hours from an ex local authority flat upstairs. The HA pretty much favoured them, and it was suggested that I move basically. Thankfully they moved in the end. But it was a hellish time.

Post by Angie »

We are having issues with our upstairs neighbour regarding loud music and we went to our council housing officer and their recommendation is for us to phone 101 every time the music goes on loud as the council has a noise team based there who will come out and speak to them. Neighbours could lose their house in most extreme cases. Council also advised it doesn't matter what time music is played, a nuisance is a nuisance no matter the time of day.

Post by Elizabeth »

Each council has a noise team and the likely reason why you were called at 2am is because noise laws don't kick in until after 11pm so unfortunately the team were busy up until their call.

To get your council to do anything you need to keep a diary of times and dates when it occurred, what the noise was and how disruptive to your household.

You need to send in a formal complaint to your council/housing association about your neighbour, preferably by email or signed letter. There is a process that they have to go through and you can hold them accountable every step of the way through the complaints process.

Call the noise team at every occurrence, if the noise has stopped by the time they call just inform them but at least it's recorded that you have called.

As someone suffering through a pain in the arse neighbour I can say it's not going to be easy bur stick with it, keep holding the council/housing association accountable through their complaints process.

Post by Isobel »

Can’t imagine how depressing that must be! Please, get your doctor, maternity nurse, local counsellor to help. You can’t go on living like that. If you have a husband, or partner, maybe he could have a “polite” word with them!? Bless you, hope you get help quickly.

Post by Guest »

I’m sorry to be a gloomy voice, but brace yourself for the council not doing very much at all.

We have had nightmare neighbours for almost 3 years. We are regularly kept awake all night, we have two diaries full of dates and times and over 8 hours of recordings.

The housing association she is a tenant of have issued a formal notice and, other than screamed threats when she got the letter, not a thing has happened.

Thankfully we are in a position to move without first selling this (& are in the process of doing so) but we have lost all faith in the authorities.

We have done pretty much the entire playbook, rung the police, rung 101, rung the anti social behaviour team from both the council and the housing association and… nothing.

Hopefully your council might be more proactive. Maybe a talk to your GP & health visitor might carry more weight.

Good luck. X

Post by Toni »

Go to your health visitor and get her to write you a letter too give to the council/landlord!
I was experiencing the same amd it was starting to effect my little ones sleep and nursery as he was so tired. I was moved within a month x

Post by Melissa »

They'll ask you to keep a diary of dates and times of the noise and any evidence you can collect, someone I knew basically got given a noise curfew of 9pm and threats of eviction if they didn't stick to it, you might be better calling non emergency police out, given your circumstances they may be able to help a lot faster.

Post by Paula »

Surely you can't be the only neighbour affected by this. Have you spoken to any that live directly next door to them? Ask them if it's bothering them and the more people who report it the quicker action may be taken. Other than that you need to keep a record and times and report to environmental health.
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