How do you stop hiccups?

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Post by Guest »

I need to ask a question & couldn't think of a better place to ask 🙂 OK you cleaver lot how do you stop hiccups, I get them a lot & they're loud & they can last all day.

Post by Marisa »

This is the only thing that works for me. Picture a door in your mind. Picture it blowing one way when you breathe in and the other way when you breathe out. When you hiccup picture the door getting jammed in the door way. This will help your body recalibrate your breathing.

Post by Caz »

Sip water from a glass and swallow it with your head upside down, or just swallow with your head upside down if you cant sip. Works every time!

Post by Yvonne »

I used to get them super bad and they made me physically sick.

None of the normal remedies worked but the one thing that does is mega deep breathing. So deep you shake as you can take any more air in then slowly release and repeat as many times as needed. This is the only way I can get rid of mine and it can be done instantly before they get too bad. Good luck. Xx

Post by Jessica »

Stick your fingers in your ears and drink water through a straw works every time for me.

Post by Luann »

Drink water backwards - hold the glass in front of your stomach, bend right over it until your mouth is on the opposite side of the glass, take some water and swallow it whilst still bent right over. Works everybtime and I am also prone to hiccups....

Post by Leanne »

Take deep breath hold it for as long as you can then blow out slowly but as blow out relax whole body as if u going floppy then breath normally. I suffer bad n this is only way to stop else can hiccup for hours n hurts eventually. Drinking something cold sets mine off aswell

Post by David »

Is nobody advising medical check up getting them a lot and lasting all day aint normal

Post by Jennie »

Put your fingers on your nose and in your ears, take a really big breath in and fill your lungs and make the smallest possible hole with your lips and let the air escape so slowly you can barely feel it… keep going until your lungs are empty or you can’t keep going! Works every time with the kids in my class at school!

Post by Lisa »

All of these suggestions are great for stopping them, but you should really go to a GP to look into what’s causing you to get them so frequently and severely. I’d start to keep a food diary until you can get an appointment, to see if there’s certain types of food (or drink) that causes them. You may find that it’s just reflux, but I’d get it checked out just to be sure.

Post by Natasha »

My kids primary teacher told them to imagine a really big swimming pool full of water with a small plug at the bottom. Close your eyes, hold your breath and imagine the pool water draining out of the plug. 37 years of having hiccups and never found anything that worked. We’ll blow me away this does. Never failed in 3 years.

Post by Susan »

Take a huge deep breath and hold it for a long as you can. A hiccup is a spasm of your diaphragm so pressure in your chest from a deep breath full of air should help. Other than that, if you have any other symptoms like reflux, food getting stuck etc, you should get yourself checked for a hiatus hernia or something which might cause the hiccups organically
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