.. She’s estimated to be 4/5 months old. I’ve never had a female dog before what are some warning signs of heat so I can be ready? And any good products recommendations would be amazing!
Also when is a good time to spay?
Just to put it out there we only have one neutered 8 year old dachshund so no mistakes happening there.
We just adopted a female lab puppy.. So, I have some questions?
As for when to spay, the first question is can you keep her safe? Are there neighborhood males that could get to her -- in your yard or on your walks? If you're not absolutely positive that you could keep her safe from mating, then get her spay scheduled asap. But if you can keep her totally safe, wait until she full grown.
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You can check also: My 5 year old black lab got spayed when I adopted her last August
I've had labs my whole life. Her lady part will get large and puffy. It is best to wait 2 or 3 heat cycles until you spay so her joints are completely developed. Crate training will be your best friend. My family raised labs my whole life my parents still do.
As for products, there are several options available to manage your dog's heat cycle. You can use disposable canine diapers or washable/reusable ones, sanitary pads specifically designed for dogs, or special shorts that have a built-in pad to absorb any leakage. Make sure to change the diaper or pad as needed to prevent any infections or unpleasant odors.
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You will likely see an enlarged vulva. Some dogs lick their vulva a lot to hide any evidence of discharge. Some get very needy and will want a lot of attention.
Spaying depends on you. Medically with a larger breed waiting till around a year would be best but that means she will have multiple heat cycles. It depends if you can handle that, I’ve seen male dogs jump 6ft fences to get to an in heat female. You’ll need to keep her safe and isolated to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. If she isn’t one to compulsively lick herself you will have discharge throughout your house (this smells quite bad). Definitely talk to your vet, discuss your specific circumstances and find the option that is best for you.
Spaying depends on you. Medically with a larger breed waiting till around a year would be best but that means she will have multiple heat cycles. It depends if you can handle that, I’ve seen male dogs jump 6ft fences to get to an in heat female. You’ll need to keep her safe and isolated to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. If she isn’t one to compulsively lick herself you will have discharge throughout your house (this smells quite bad). Definitely talk to your vet, discuss your specific circumstances and find the option that is best for you.
The biggest favour you can do for her is to get her desexed at 6 months. It's hugely better for her reproductive health.
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