Coming to Cambodia from Laos, any advice for a good one-month itinerary?

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Post by Guest »

Starting in the north and then heading to south of Vietnam.


Post by Aoife »

Can I ask how you are travelling? Is it by plane? We will be doing this route at the end of the month so just wanted to get an idea.

Post by Jaśmina »

I went from Don Det to Kratie by bus (around 8 hours I think) and stayed there 2 nights to watch the irawaddy dolphins while kayaking which was totally awesome.

Then went for 2 nights to Kampot Cham, bicycled around both days to see a bit of non-touristy Cambodia.

Then on to Phnom Penh, from there to Kampot & Kep, bus to Sihanouville and ferry to Koh Rong and after that night bus to Siem Reap - I was going to Thailand afterwards so that was convenient. Anyway I really recommend going to Kratie if you're coming from Laos!

Explore these too: Has anyone got any advice for travelling from Siem Reap to northern Thailand without flying?
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