I keep seeing people talking about taking meter readings today – Why we need to do this?

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Post by Guest »

I keep seeing people talking about taking meter readings today. I've never done this. We don't ever submit meter readings. We have a smart meter. Can someone explain why we need to do this?

I feel completely overwhelmed by everything to do with utilities. It's about 3 times what we can pay and all our food is now going on a credit card, but I don't know what I can do to change it. We don't have an internal display to show us what we're using.

It's all outside. I'm sure we've been billed wrong too but I don't know how to fix it. Last time I had to take time off work to resolve it and I can't do that right now.

Post by Michelle »

You can just take a photo once a month and then when you feel less overwhelmed at least you have them all on your phone.

Post by Nat »

It's worth taking monthly readings just so you can check the readings are correct on your bills. But also its a way of monitoring your usage. So you can see if you have used more one month to another.

When I thought i had an issue, I took daily reads for a month and worked out what the issue was and informed edf. They didn't have a clue.

Don't miss: 20 million UK households no longer get support with energy bills from the UK Government

Post by Janet »

I would take monthly readings anyway my friends "smart meter" ran her up a debt of £4000 of electricity she had not used it was faulty.

Post by Caroline »

Can your partner deal with it? Or a trusted family member that finds that kind of thing easy? I have a smart meter and don't take readings, but my bills are what I would expect.

Post by Suzanne »

I posted on here a few months ago, totally overwhelmed with the amount that my supplier said I owed & really not understanding metre readings etc , In April SP text to say I owed over £1700

I submitted a metre reading it went down to £872.

Then their metre reader man knocked my door 2 weeks ago & said their readings were way out with mine & this week I owe £461. I do pay £170 a month all year around to clear debt etc but hopefully soon I could be clear. I had some good advice from this page x

Post by Neil »

Install the Ivie or Loop apps, and have a look on your suppliers app to get an insight into your usage.

These are free alternatives to in home display devices.

Also, as long as your bills are based on smart meadings, there's no need to supply your own.

Check your bills.

Post by Paul »

If you have a smart meter that is connected to your supplier then there is no need to supply a reading at all.

Post by Sharon »

You have made a big step by posting here. It’s not easy to reach out for help when you are feeling low so well done on making this start.

I understand that you feel overwhelmed by the thought of taking meter readings and tracking usage. You say “we” in your post so I assume you don’t live alone. Could your partner/housemate take the reading?

Please can you post your old bills on here so that we can see if they have been estimated. If you think you have been paying too much, it could be that you have been overcharged and due a refund, or at least a reduction in your direct debit payments.

We are here to help you as much as we can,so when you feel able to, post your bill and let us know what your current readings are x

Post by Jasmin »

With a smart meter you shouldn't need too however reading your post it's sounding like your bills are quite high and you suspect your being overcharged.

Do you check your bills regularly, are they based on actual readings?

Sometimes smart meters can stop communicating and they may have started estimating your usage. If you'd like further help or advise on your bill you can post it here with your personal and meter details covered and someone can take a look see if something stands out as odd x

Post by Jane »

Do you have anyone who would be your sponsor to talk to the energy company, to me it sounds like you've hit the bottom, just a suggestion contact CAP (Christians against poverty) are amazing they will organise home delivery of food, contact revelant compaines debt the lot, they give amazing support, please consider they will shoulder your worries…

Post by Lisa »

Can you post a copy of your most recent bill, all personal info covered so we can see if we can help. As someone has said sometimes smart meters stop being smart and you will get estimated bills.
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