What are the pros and cons of being on a smart meter please?

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Post by Guest »

We have yet to be on one and wondered what’s best to do. Thinking in terms of new tariffs available as we are out of our fixed contract in a few weeks with Octopus.


Post by Gemma »

No cons.

Even if it doesn't manage to communicate with the supplier it's no different to an analogue one.

Just saves times and give you more accurate bills and readings.

The IHD does trigger some people but you don't have to have it plugged in to make it work so shove it in a drawer if you don't really need it.

Post by Helen »

For me there are no cons.

I know some people worry about energy companies cutting you off or changing you to prepayment, but the rules about when they can do that are the same for smart meters and old-style meters. Companies can’t just randomly decide to cut you off or switch you to prepay.

As long as you pay your bills or communicate with them if you are struggling to arrange payment.

There are times, as with everything, the connection stops working and you have to submit a manual read, but you’re used to doing that with your traditional meters and know it’s not hard.

You can get better tariffs with some companies. Octopus for example have an agile tariff that changes the rate every 30 mins. You get told the day before what the rates will be so you can plan when to do washing, batch cooking etc. This isn’t great for everyone, but if you can be flexible on when you use power you can save quite a lot.

Related: Can I change smart meter to traditional meter?

Post by Carleen »

I’m on Agile for which you need a smart meter providing half hourly readings.

This tariff has a different rate for each of the 48 x half hour timings (Some sessions can be the same unit price). If you can load shift your usage to the cheaper periods, you could save.

They have also had a few weekends with negative pricing in some of the half hour slots, so they pay the customer, whatever the price is per kWh for that half hour period.

Yesterday I used 38kWh which cost 45p in total, plus my standing charge so less than a £1.


Post by Lisa »

I have an electric one. Had it for about 10 years now.

I never really thought about looking at the little In home display until last year. I have it plugged in and look at it occasionally now just to check if my usage is roughly the same as they day before.

I have not had any problems at all.

I have only just been told I can have one for my gas so I will get that sorted sometime soon.

Also, check out: I'm with OVO energy for both my gas and electric – But.. the smart meters in the gas one has never worked

Post by Michaela »

There aren't any actual cons. It's a meter. Not much else to it.

Post by Paul »

The cons are mainly people on the internet who are sadly misinformed about them and then perpetuate that misinformation.

Post by Liz »

You can also take part in the National demand management schemes. These are when your energy supplier pays you for using less energy during specific times.

British Gas are also refunding a percentage of electricity use on Sundays through summer to encourage people to use electricity.

You can check also: Just had my energy bill of British gas and seems a tad expensive

Post by Colette »

To me the pros would be the smart tariffs they have available such as Octopus Tracker and Octopus Agile. These are only available to those with smart meters.

My dads on Tracker, the rates change daily and this is what he paid today, so a lot cheaper than variable.

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