My baby of 1 year and 5 months has not been feeding very well for some months now

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Post by Guest »

I have been to the hospital and test were conducted but they said he is OK but for like 3 months now he still doesn't eat well. I have also gone through the lessons on complimentary feeding and have implemented it but no changes. He has drastically reduced in size.

Also tonight I noticed that the color of his urine is green like pure green. I am very sure he took enough water today.

Please am confused about what to do.
  • Be is: 3.5kg
  • Weight as of last month is: 11kg
  • Current weight is: unknown
Am sorry for the lengthy text.

Post by Tiwa »

Blue or green urine can be caused by food coloring. It can also be the result of dyes used in medical tests performed on kidneys or bladder.

The pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial infection can also cause your urine to turn blue, green, or even indigo purple.

In general, blue/green urine is rare and most likely connected to something in your diet.

You may need to take your child to see a doctor for further evaluation.

Your baby's weight is okay for his age. If the doctor says he is fine,there is no need to worry.

Try introducing different variety of food to him.

Also, check out: Is the green poop due to improper feeding?
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