Has anyone ever went unresponsive for a glucose of 150 before?

This forum is for Type 1 [or] 2 Diabetics

Post by Guest »

This AM I woke up to a super high heart rate and feeling like I was gonna throw up. Never threw up but I blacked out. Thankfully my boyfriend was still home before work and thought to shove honey under my tongue after not be able to suck down a juice. I wasn’t able to stand, hold my eyes open or speak. After about 20 minutes of honey and juice I became coherent with absolute no recollection from what just happened.

I’ve had lows MUCH lower than this when I was a kid with an A1c over 10%.

My A1c is now around 8% and I have been able to handle my lows (being in the 50s-80s) without over correcting so don’t come at me saying I am an irresponsible diabetic. I’m genuinely curious as this is my first time blacking out from a “low” in the 20 years of being a diabetic.

Post by Kaitlyn »

If you're used to being high, it's not unusual to feel "low" before actually bieng low. But 150 still seems too high for that, especially for the reaction you had. Was the reading from a Dexcom/libre, or a glucose meter? Did you fall fast to get to that number?

Post by Megan »

I wonder if it wasn’t diabetes related and you had some other medical event.

Post by Savanna »

I would probably go see a cardiologist or an neurologist for the fainting/passing out. I wouldn't think that would happen at 150 though.

I'd also bring it up to your endo.

Don't miss: Blood Glucose Sports Watch - Has anyone actually tried any of them?

Post by Rachel »

It could be completely unrelated to diabetes. Are you having other symptoms? I fainted when I had a UTI.

Post by Annette »

I went as low as 1.5mmol first ever in 45 years I went to a Coma can't remember anything my husband heard me making noises in my room Ihe syringe water and sugar in my mouth which after 20mins I started coming round.

Post by Tammie »

Have you had a high heart rate before? Kind of sounds more like POTS than blood sugar.

My daughter has POTS and has episodes like this in her sleep and if she stands or moves certain ways.

It’s not dangerous as far as your heart but will make your vision go black and such bc despite your heart beating effectively normally when it beats that fast it can’t move blood efficiently.

Explore these too: Can a diabetic do 16:8 fasting?

Post by Yvonne »

How do you know you were at 150? Perhaps you went low very fast and your liver dumped glucose to try to save you. It could have happened so fast it never even registered on a CGM. (Also, CGM's AVERAGE out their last few readings, so it's not an absolute number like a finger prick is).

If your boyfriend got it from a finger prick while you were still out cold, there can also be a delay between the blood sugar rising and you recovering your faculties. This has happened to my T1 husband when we've had to call EMS.

They'll give him IV glucose and the finger prick shows over 120, but he's still not responsive.

Post by Brittany »

No but I did go into dka with a blood sugar of 150-250 a couple years ago. Which was strange. I’m sorry this happened to you that’s kind of bizarre.

I got to 20 before (accidental over bolus with omnipod) and was still awake but terrified.

Post by Julie »

I am a retired ICU nurse and suspect you may not have been unresponsive due to your blood sugar but instead possibly the high heart rate or possibly an arrhythmia that was decreasing blood flow to your brain? Just something I think you should consider.

Hope you are feeling better.

Don't forget to take a look at: How come I never go into DKA even though m blood sugars aren’t very controlled?

Post by Alicia »

If you were about to vomit, you may have had a vaso-vagal response… very scary. I have had this happen to me more than once, but not blood sugar related.
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