I'm planning to buy a new greenhouse and looking for a more heavy duty

This is a forum for backyard hobby greenhouse enthusiast wanting to share their green house experiences with like minded people.

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Does anyone here use their greenhouse in winter? If so, What is your greenhouse made of, what is your heating system?

Post by Holly »

My greenhouse in SE Australian winter last week! We are roughly USDA zone 9a equivalent here - frosts in winter, no snow, minimum temp probably -3 degrees Celsius. It faces full north (which is full sun in the southern hemisphere) against a white shed wall.

Dynabolted into a concrete slab which provides thermal mass. Shelving has two 120x50cm heat mats on top, and grow lights on the lower shelves.

Soil temps in the unheated shelves are approx 15-18 degrees C consistently.

The sun heats it during the day (even if it's cloudy) and the doors get closed before the sun sets. I only grow leafy greens in it over winter, and get heavy crops from my outdoor summer vegetables which I preserve.


Post by Doug »

This is my 4 season totally passive greenhouse, which stays above 39 F when it is -10 F outside, here in zone 6a


Post by Briana »

Planta greenhouses are Canadian and have proven to hold up in strong wind and heavy snow. I'm in CO. it's my first full year with my greenhouse and I plan on insulating and providing some heat so I can 'hopefully' keep growing this winter..... we shall see.

It's all trial and error right now..

Post by Hollis »

SMALL GREENHOUSE in a BIG GREENHOUSE: I live in Vermont (Zone 5b) and have a 15'x23' glass/concrete floor greenhouse in which I grow veggies and flowers. Last year I tried something new to keep my geraniums alive and grow lettuce and carrots all winter without paying a fortune on heating.

I purchased an 8'x8' pop-up greenhouse and put it in my greenhouse (I also started my summer veggies and flowers under lights and with heat pads in there). When needed, I added a small electric heater and/or covered the small greenhouse with a quilt at night.

Worked great! Kept me 'gardening' (and happy) all winter!


You can check also: How do I make my greenhouse safe for my plants inside?

Post by Lyn »

I love my Planta. It is very heavy duty.

Post by Kitissia »

Zone 8a - 6 x 7 made of old windows. I heat with an electric milk house heater. I keep it between 50-60 degrees. Easy to heat because it is small.

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