Home schooling
Anyone done it seriously considering it with a Sen child school refuser has ASD spd adhd among servere anxiety already fretting about going back and the fight it's just to much for her just until we can find a school she can thrive in - thanks.
There’s lots of wonderful home Ed groups on Facebook, have a look if your local area has one. Does the child have an ehcp? If so you can request provision from LA for interim period whilst trying to find suitable school, which can help with the financial and mental load.
Do your child have an EHCP?
I’d recommend joining Home Education For All (H.E.F.A) UK and also a home Ed group local to you. We’re in the same position with our autistic daughter, school refusal has been a nightmare this last couple of years and she’s due to start secondary in September.
I work so it’s not that easy, but it’s not totally off the cards yet. It very much depends on how she transitions this year as to what we decide to do x
Don't miss: I’ve recently decided to home school 14yr old what do people do with there child that home school?
I’d recommend joining Home Education For All (H.E.F.A) UK and also a home Ed group local to you. We’re in the same position with our autistic daughter, school refusal has been a nightmare this last couple of years and she’s due to start secondary in September.
I work so it’s not that easy, but it’s not totally off the cards yet. It very much depends on how she transitions this year as to what we decide to do x
Don't miss: I’ve recently decided to home school 14yr old what do people do with there child that home school?
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