For pump people, do any of you go off the pump and back to shots for a while just for a break?
I did about 6 years ago and never went back to the pump! I got my A1C down and I just think everything is so much easier with shots. Less changing sites and dealing with my pump yelling at me constantly.
Yeah. The freedom to go pump free is great sometimes. I have both the tslim and sometimes use pens (specifically the ½ unit pens).
Yep! I’m on break now waiting for a new pump! I take 20 units of Lantus in the morning and then bolus with my fast acting before meals
Currently on a break! I've been off my pp since about April/May. It's been so nice to not have something attached all of the time, but my a1c has gone up because I can't take the small doses that I can with my pump. With a 1:25 carb ratio I need those smaller doses to keep my sugars lower.
There are pros and cons to both. But I do tend to take a break every couple of years or so.
Don't miss: I was wondering when you wear a sundress where do you put your pump?
There are pros and cons to both. But I do tend to take a break every couple of years or so.
Don't miss: I was wondering when you wear a sundress where do you put your pump?
Been pumping since 1987 except for breaks when I have had problems getting supplies. Hated going back to mdi. Now I’ve learned how to build a surplus.
I've never done it, but have thought about it a few times. I get scared of being too high and that's why I've never tried it.
There are nights I have too leave my pump in the garage too get a good nights sleep.
Medtronic pumps live too send alerts and cannot be silenced. Even when you turn the power off.
Medtronic pumps live too send alerts and cannot be silenced. Even when you turn the power off.
I wore the pump for 15 years back in the 1980s and hated it. It was so archaic back then! 30 years later I decided to go back on a T slim. Im waiting for insurance approval.
My a1c has always been in the 7-8 range for about 50 years now, so I need fine tuning. I have developed type 2 on top of type 1 so I’m hard to control.
My a1c has always been in the 7-8 range for about 50 years now, so I need fine tuning. I have developed type 2 on top of type 1 so I’m hard to control.
Blessings to all!
I’m curious of the people who didn’t like the pump and chose to go back to MDI…which pump was it?
We’re 2 weeks into O5 after 35 years MDI and t1 finally understands how his body and food and insulin works thanks to the pump!
We’re 2 weeks into O5 after 35 years MDI and t1 finally understands how his body and food and insulin works thanks to the pump!
Every time I’ve had to do this for whatever reason, my body reacts very badly. It’s almost like it’s gotten used to the constant drip of fast acting because I was in Lantus and Novalog for bolusing and was nauseous and had a bad taste in my mouth the whole time!
I’m not asking this in a condescending way, but why would you? Is this just for people on pumps with tubes? I’m on the omnipod and I would never. I don’t even realize it’s there 90% of the time. Simply asking to understand, not to criticize.
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