I need advice on fleas [3 cats and a dog]
I have 3 cats and a dog, noticed they had fleas a couple weeks ago.
I treated them all at the same time using frontline for the cats and petarmor for my dog.
Also, gave him several flea baths. We then went on vacation for a week, came back and the fleas were still here.
The day we came back, I gave the cats all capstar pills that kill living fleas.
I also did a flea bomb in our bedrooms, and vacuum constantly.
I also retreated our dog with petarmor. At this point the cats were flealess but the dog still has them and now I’m seeing them on the cats again.
Not sure what to do at this point.
I treated them all at the same time using frontline for the cats and petarmor for my dog.
Also, gave him several flea baths. We then went on vacation for a week, came back and the fleas were still here.
The day we came back, I gave the cats all capstar pills that kill living fleas.
I also did a flea bomb in our bedrooms, and vacuum constantly.
I also retreated our dog with petarmor. At this point the cats were flealess but the dog still has them and now I’m seeing them on the cats again.
Not sure what to do at this point.
Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth on your carpet, wait a couple days, then vacuum it up. It's a fine powder to us, but to fleas it's tiny shards that cut their exoskeleton and their insides dehydrate.
It's safe for humans and animals. You can also sprinkle it into your pets' coats, but don't do it too often so it doesn't dry out their skin. Also take care around their heads so they don't breathe too much powder into their lungs.
Don't forget to take a look at: Is the medication enough or is there anything else I can do to prevent fleas? Spray? Collar?
It's safe for humans and animals. You can also sprinkle it into your pets' coats, but don't do it too often so it doesn't dry out their skin. Also take care around their heads so they don't breathe too much powder into their lungs.
Don't forget to take a look at: Is the medication enough or is there anything else I can do to prevent fleas? Spray? Collar?
Revolution for cats and an oral for dogs. As others have mentioned, need to treat continuously because if flea life cycle.
If you live in the South especially, FL and PA just aren’t going to cut it.
If you live in the South especially, FL and PA just aren’t going to cut it.
My dog would always faint with the Flea collers on so our vet told us to give them a teaspoon of brewers yeast sprinkled on their Food everyday as it repels fleas.
It takes a good three month cycle to eradicate the fleas using topicals. I prefer Revolution over Frontline.
Vet tech here.
If you are giving baths you also may be washing off the medication. If you gave a bath then applied same day or within 3 days it may not apply the same. Same thing if you applied them have a bath within 3 days. I would wait until next due though and not re apply. May want to consider contacting vet for treatment.
It does take a few month with continuous vacuuming and making sure applying for what the package says (some treatments are every 28 days not 30/31) honestly per Armour isn't great and I see pets have horrible reactions to it.
May want to contact your vet about something a little better though may be more expensive may be cheeper in the long run and get rid of fleas faster.
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If you are giving baths you also may be washing off the medication. If you gave a bath then applied same day or within 3 days it may not apply the same. Same thing if you applied them have a bath within 3 days. I would wait until next due though and not re apply. May want to consider contacting vet for treatment.
It does take a few month with continuous vacuuming and making sure applying for what the package says (some treatments are every 28 days not 30/31) honestly per Armour isn't great and I see pets have horrible reactions to it.
May want to contact your vet about something a little better though may be more expensive may be cheeper in the long run and get rid of fleas faster.
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Revolution Plus monthly for cats. Simparica or Credelio monthly for dogs. Some of the products you are currently using are dangerous and some are ineffective.
It takes a good 3 months or so of flea treatments and good house cleaning to kill the flea lifecycle.
I’d use something better than frontline for the cats and dogs such as oral flea and tick from your vet and revolution for the cats.
I’d use something better than frontline for the cats and dogs such as oral flea and tick from your vet and revolution for the cats.
It takes 3 months for all the fleas to die due to the life cycle of the eggs and larvae. Its summer, next time start earlier. Just use a vet approved topical on the pets and put a collar inside the vacuum bag.
There are flea traps on amazon that work well also.
I've cleared an entire neighborhood with just my cat being treated, it just takes the time it takes.
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There are flea traps on amazon that work well also.
I've cleared an entire neighborhood with just my cat being treated, it just takes the time it takes.
You can check also: Looking for home remedies for a dog with fleas
I use advantage for my cats and k9advantix for my dog. They do make dog advantage if your cats like to be around your dog a lot. K9 advantix has an ingredient that is dangerous for cats. Plates of dawn dish soap with a fake candle/tea light in the middle.
Flea sprays from Walmart for pet furniture (make sure cat safe). Wash sheets, blankets, etc.
Spray carpets, rugs, etc and vacuum. Keep on the flea treatments and they’ll go away.
Flea sprays from Walmart for pet furniture (make sure cat safe). Wash sheets, blankets, etc.
Spray carpets, rugs, etc and vacuum. Keep on the flea treatments and they’ll go away.
Capstar only works for about 24ish hours. It's not a longterm solution.
In order to iradicate a flea infestation, you need to to treat every pet in the house for 3 months consecutively with NO gaps on treatment. (Ie. Using a monthly flea product Sept 1st, Oct 1st and Nov 1st on every pet). Fleas will have laid eggs and have larvae that will live in your house (cleaning practices can help but won't get all of them).
The flea life cycle takes 3 months so if there are gaps in protection over those 3 months than the eggs will hatch, jump on the pet and lay more eggs starting to cycle over again. Keep in mind during this 3 month process you may still see the odd flea as they hatch but they should die once on the pet. By the end of the 3 months you should be flea free.
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In order to iradicate a flea infestation, you need to to treat every pet in the house for 3 months consecutively with NO gaps on treatment. (Ie. Using a monthly flea product Sept 1st, Oct 1st and Nov 1st on every pet). Fleas will have laid eggs and have larvae that will live in your house (cleaning practices can help but won't get all of them).
The flea life cycle takes 3 months so if there are gaps in protection over those 3 months than the eggs will hatch, jump on the pet and lay more eggs starting to cycle over again. Keep in mind during this 3 month process you may still see the odd flea as they hatch but they should die once on the pet. By the end of the 3 months you should be flea free.
Suggested: My dog keeps getting fleas
Fleas have a cycle and it can take a few months to get rid of them completely. I recommend getting oral treatments as the topical ones are only effective for so long.
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