Can you dye towels?

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Post by Guest »

This would be money saving if it works. Can you dye towels?

My girls have towels that are still perfectly usable but they are pink. When they were in primary that was fine but now not so much.

Post by Gilly »

Towels dye brilliantly in the washing machine just be aware the hem stitching may not be cotton and may not dye at all or be a lighter colour. If you buy machine dye and follow instructions it will not stain the washer or the next load.

Post by Pamela »

Yes, I've done it a couple of times. Used the dylon ball you put in the washing machine.

Post by Wendy »

Yes, you should be able to dye cotton towels. Look for Dylon dyes.

Post by Sheryl »

Just bleach them. Who cares what color they are? You should only care if important people come to visit. (Non of us have that) Who cares as long as they work well?

Post by Lesley »

Certainly, but remember you have to go darker. So for instance, as they are currently pink you could go to navy, but you wouldn't be able to go the other way round unless you stripped them of their original colour first
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