Baby of 7 weeks has a good weight but her poos is yellow with mucous texture

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Post by Guest »

Hello, thank you for all the guidance and help you have been given.

I don't know it is normal or there is something I need to change in my diet. Also she gives some colic discomfort when passing stool or trying to pass gas.

Thank you..

Post by Ismail »

Mucus in poo may be caused by food intake, medication or infection.

It may be nothing serious so you can observe for now. Pay attention to hygiene. Wash hands regularly.

Mucoid stools may happen in babies who are on medication or products that can affect their stools. Breastfeed exclusively and avoid any medication not prescribed by a doctor.

Explore these too: My son of 12 weeks breaths like there is mucus in his nose (nose blockage)
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