How long should a baby [16months] take paracetamol?

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Post by Guest »

Good morning Doc, my baby is 16months old and is teething, I treated her malaria recently because she was running temperature and I suspect she must have had some mosquito bites but she's also growing the big teeth (pre-molars) so she's still running temperature. I also noticed her front gum is inflammed plus some kind of little rashes on her tongue, she doesn't let me clean it properly cos of pains. I'm using vitamin C and Durajel mouth gel for the gum.

My concern is how do I control the temperature because I've been giving her paracetamol syrup twice daily with Brustan N. Please how long should I give her the paracetamol? Or how can I control the temperature since she's still teething.

Post by Nkechi »

Teething is a natural phenomenon and it doesn't cause any sickness or make the baby have fever.

Did you check the temperature with a thermometer? What was the reading?

Normal body temperature ranges between 36.5°c - 37.5°c. Any thing above it signifies fever.

Fever is usually a symptom of an underlying illness and there are numerous causes.

Tepid sponge and give paracetamol every 6 hours. If fever doesn't resolve after 24 hours, see a paediatrician.

Kindly stop self medications.

For your baby's safety, please do not take drugs not prescribed by your doctor.

You can check also: My son has on/off cough and fever
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