My baby doesn't pee on me when I'm bathing him!

We provide health education and information to mums, dads and everyone involved in caring for children. Our goal is to improve child survival by promoting child health intelligence.

Post by Guest »

Good morning, please there's something I noticed, my baby doesn't pee on me when I'm bathing him, like that kind of pee that usually run very high and outside the bowl, bit he pees on his diaper, mostimes, I just leave him naked so to see if he will pee, for like 10-20 minutes, but he won't till I dress him up. He's 4 months old.
  • Birthweight: 2.5
  • Weight at 3months 5.8
Is there something to be done about it. He has been circumcised too?

Post by L_isa »

You should see your male child urinary stream at least ONCE.

If it is not straight, you should see a Paediatrician.

You should leave him off the diaper 24 hours, he will definitely pee. Don't be in a hurry to wear the diaper back.
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