Does anyone know where I can get replacement clips in the US?

This is a forum for backyard hobby greenhouse enthusiast wanting to share their green house experiences with like minded people.

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We were able to get an older greenhouse last week for free from someone who wanted it removed from their backyard. They didn’t really know anything about it other than it was there when they bought the home and they’ve never done anything with it and decided it needed to go. There’s a label on the frame that says: Eden, Edenlite Limited, Swindon, Tel (?) Swindon 30ft

The panels are glass and held in by clips. Someone went through at some point and caulked all the seams, putting huge globs of caulk on the clips. When my husband and FIL were taking it apart clips bent when they tried to get them out and some broke trying to get them out of the caulk. There were also some S shaped clips in some places but most of them were gone. So, after all that.. Does anyone know where I can get replacement clips in the US? It looks like the company is from New Zealand and I don’t want to even think about shipping costs from New Zealand. I’m including pics of the label and the clips.


Post by David »

They are greenhouse glazing clips just google it and you will find ones that will work they may not look exactly like your but you can change.

Post by John »

I just did a search on Amazon for "Glass "S" Clips" and a lot of them came up that look just like those, some Stainless Steel.

Not knowing your exact size, I don't know if they would work, but I'd guess they would.

Post by Sharon »

Maybe a local fabricator could re-create it? Someone referred 3D to me when looking for replacement glazing. Might check that out also.

Post by Trudy »

Take your example to a hardware store. If you can’t find them there they will at least tell you what kind of clip it is and find it on the internet.
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